~Jealous Couple~

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Thank you everyone that has been supporting me so far! I'm so happy to make these for all of you!

Anyways, enough taking. Let's start the next Izuocha Oneshot!


"I am not Jealous!" A brunette yelled out

"And I am not Protective!" A green haired boy yelled out.

The group of 5 other girls stared at each other and then back at the girl, raising a brow at her.
"Sure.." Momo started, rolling her eyes playfully at the girl.
"So you didn't get jealous when Mei was touching up on Deku?" She giggled, getting a glare from the brunette girl.
"Ribbit. Or when Melissa was with Midoriya." A green haired frog girl muttered, putting a finger to her cheek after.

     "N-No! Thats totally not jealously! I'm just.. eh.. mad! I don't trust them to talk to Deku-Kun!"
"Alright Ochako, keep lying." A purple haired girl with earbuds in spoke
"I'm not!"
"So you didn't get Jealous with Camie ethier? Or with Dekus fangirls when he got more popular as a hero?" Jiro spoke with a grin on her lips.
"N-Nope! Of course not!"

The girls turned to each other again and laughed, turning back to Uraraka.
"You are so love sick for him girl." Mina spoke, a pink alien with short pink hair.

An invisible girl by the name of Toru got an idea, standing up and trying to act in surprise.
"Look! Dekus with a girl right now outside!"
"WHERE??" Uraraka panicked, turning to look at the window.
All the girls irrupted in laughter, gaining the attention of Uraraka.
"What?? Where are they??"
They all began laughing more, the girl realizing they were messing with her.
"HEYY! THATS SO MEAN!" Uraraka yelled out, crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Ahahha! Sorry girl! It's just so funny! You can't even deny it, you are so jealous over the littlest things when it comes to this boy!" Toru giggled, kicking back and forth on her heels.

"That's so unfair! But, part of me wish he was with me too.." Uraraka Muttered, making all the girls face palm.
    "Uraraka," Momo started. "Have you not seen that boy over you? He may not be jealous.. but he is sort of protective. I'm surprised you don't see that."
"What??" She paused, putting her hands to her pink cheeks.
   "P-Protective??" Uraraka stammered, feeling herself about to float.

"Come on, Ribbit." Tsu began. "The guys probably think the same thing."


"I am not Protective!" Deku stammered out to the guys, who all gave the same look the girls did to each other.

      "Midoriya come onnn! How dense do you have to be bro!" Kirishima groaned out, rolling back onto the bed as the guys were hanging out in Todoroki's dorm.
     "You literally get so defensive if she goes anywhere else with anyone else!"
"Especially another boy." Kaminari humphed, crossing his arms.
"W-What? When?" Deku put on an act, scratching the back of his head as he smiled.
     "You overreacted when Bakugo and Uraraka were put in a group together, Midoriya."
Todoroki spoke quietly, sipping on his tea as he sat on the other side of his bed.
    "Yeah, you were all like, "Why is Uraraka-San in a group with Kacchan, Sensei? She can work with me!" Sero mocked.
"More like, "Why is the love of my life with this asshole! Let me group with her or i'll use Detroit smash on you!" Kaminari mocked back, getting an eye roll from Izuku.
    "T-Thats too exaggerated!" Izuku stammered, the rest chuckling.

    "I respect Midoriya's for Uraraka-San, but some of your actions are too unacceptable to promote." Iida spoke, putting his hand up and down in a chopping motion.

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