~Camping trip~

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Sorry this is a long chapter! But I hope you enjoy!


Today, was finally the day everyone was excited about!
The class 1A camping trip!

Sure, it was for training for the week,
But everyone was more than excited than instead of doing work at school, they could go on a fun trip with the class.

Class 1A Gathered by the gates of U.A with their bags packed full of camping equipment.
Everyone was doing there own chaotic things as they usually do,
while Aizawa watched in annoyance with shaking his head.

Uraraka momentarily was speaking with Mina and Kirishima as they were all fangirling about the trip and what fun activities they would do.

"I know right! We need ideas for that to do on our first night! And then our second and our third and-" Mina yelled out, Kirishima putting a reassuring arm on her shoulder.
"Mina.. Calm down for a second.." Kirishima giggled causing Mina to roll her eyes playfully at him.

"OH! LETS TOTALLY DO SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Mina screamed, smacking Kirishima in the face meanwhile.

"Mina.." Kirishima laughed, causing Uraraka to laugh along.
"I dunno Mina.. Spin the bottle? L-Like having to kiss someone..?"
"Duhhh! What do you expect us to do? Play princess and have a Tea party?"
Mina said sarcastically.
"Hey! That doesn't sound bad!" Uraraka and Kirishima spoke at the same time before both turning red of embarrassment at what was happening at the moment.

"C-Can't we do something.. less.. romantic..?" Uraraka stammered, clearly embarrassed still.
"You just are embarrassed it's gonna be Midoriya! CAUSE YOU HAVE A FAT CRUSH ON HI-" Uraraka turned blood red, throwing her hands over her pink friends lips.

"Mina!" Uraraka gritted her teeth while the alien girl giggled.

She suddenly got cut off by the sound in the background of Bakugo screaming like normally at Deku, while Lida and Tsu defended him.

"YOU DUMB NERD! IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS ON THE CHALLENGES AT THE CAMP!" Bakugo screamed, causing Deku to tense up and go pale.
"K-Kacchan! Calm down! We don't know if it's challenges like that yet.. T-There may be teams!"

"WHATEVER! GET THIS IN YOUR HEAD EXTRA!" Bakugo stepped up and pointed at Deku's forehead,


Bakugo gave his famous snare before walking off leaving Deku with an uncomfortable look. He shrugged to Tsu and Lida before turning around and locking eyes with the now staring Uraraka.

It felt like time stopped for a minute as they both stood there staring at each other. I don't know why they noticed?

How Deku didn't notice how Beautiful her eyes really were.
He knew they were pretty but.. he never noticed really until now how they shimmered.
He had been so busy with hero work that he hadn't had time to talk with the Brunette.


Look at her..

He could only remember the first day he met the girl at the day of the exams.
She caught her, and she noticed her brown eyes, her adorable brown bobbed hair, her cute chubby pink cheeks, her bright smile, her kindness and admiration..

They both stood for a good moment with locked eyes, ones lovingly staring into eachother.
Until the moment was ruined by a Invisible girl and a pink Alien, Hagakure and Mina.

"You are a bad liar, Chako. You totally are gushing for him!"
Hagakure fangirled, which caused Uraraka to fall from her daydreaming.

"What?? No no! I don't.. like him I swear!" Ochako stammered, her cheeks flushing an extra bit of pink and red.
She glanced back over by the corner of her eyes, noticing Todoroki talking to her crush and a flustered Deku shaking his head and moving his hands back and forth.
"Totally crushing and dreaming about your prince charming, huh?" Mina began, getting a more red Uraraka to turn towards her.
"S-Shush Mina!" Uraraka slightly yelled at the two, both of their eyes glistening from excitement.

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