~Little Coincidence~

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Slight TW:

     A slight sexual scene, if you get uncomfortable by that, I recommend skipping over this one.

Without further A-due, Enjoy! <33


     It was a Thursday afternoon, yet school was canceled for a certain reason. Why?

There was a massive storm.

     School was canceled for the rest of the week because of the bad weather forecast for the week. It was windy with high levels and possible tornado warnings surrounding Japan. Principal Nezu announced no school until the weather calmed down for precaution, so everyone ethier went back to there families our tried to get out of the area for momentarily.

    The one person at school was some of the Teachers and Ochako Uraraka. She was studying up quick and needed to pick up some stuff before trying to go to her parents small house farther away. It was a bit of a challenge since the weather slowly gained more speed and got worse.

     "Great.." Ochako muttered, looking out the windows of the front door at the trees being knocked around.
Her eyes adverted down to her watch which read 5:20, she panicked wanting to run out as soon as possible but saw things getting even worse.
           "Crap.. I may have to call mom and dad and tell them I won't make it, it's only getting worse."

       She pulled out a small flip phone from her pockets, flipping it open and dialing her moms number, putting it to her ear as she slowly let it ring. Hoping they would pick up.
"Come on mom.."
Ochako heard a beep as it was too long, the phone call ended as it got worse.
     "No! And i'm at a low percent! What if they get wor-" She looked back at the storm, the wind picking up as it started pouring, this stressing the brunette out more.

      "Great. Now I can't go home and my parents don't know where I am. Just great, and things are getting worse!" Ochako sighed loudly, throwing her hands onto her face.

       "Alright." She muffled into her hands, putting them to her sides after as she put on a determined look.
        "I'm just gonna run and home I spot out a apartment or dorm somewhere, knock and hope they'll let me stay!" Ochako stated, twitching an eye at how stupid she sounded.
        "I don't have a better idea, so worth a shot!" She yelled out, putting a leg infront of her as she got ready in a lunge position.

       "Ready.." She began preparing herself, taking off her blazer as she threw it above her head.
"Set.." She then squinted her eyes, getting the door in her view.
"Run!" She yelled, starting to sprint out the door. The rain was slapping back in her face and going all over her clothes, letting them get soaked as she kept running faster.
The wind was blowing her hair back and herself aswell. It making it harder to run, but she kept trying and pushing herself.
       "Come on! Run! Keep going!" Ochako screamed to herself, spotting an apartment in the distance.
"Perfect!!" Her eyes lit up as she grinned, running faster.

      Ochako ran up the steep hill, running towards the small apartment on the hill. And hoping the person living inside was welcoming and would maybe let her stay with them.

       Once reaching the door, she pounded on the door yelling.
        "Hello? Is someone home?? I'm stuck in the storm! Please! Can I come in??" She banged louder, the door swinging over after her pounding.
She fell in the doorway, screaming as she was catched by a pair of rough hands.

       "U-Uraraka-San?? A-Are you okay?!" She recognized that voice anywhere.

      It was former crush and classmate, Izuku Midoriya.

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