Internet AUs

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By tumblr user Faizhang

"so we rp with each other online and our characters are in a relationship and that's that i swear i'm not falling in love with you or anything. i mean it. really" au

"wait haven't i seen you bef- holy cow you're that blogger on tumblr and you look even better in real lifewait what did i just say that out loud" au

"wedo art trades like all the time but do you wanna trade numbers too" au

"wait who are you and why are we Facebook friends cause i'm pretty sure i've never met you before" au

"i ship this and you ship that and i totally disagree with you but our debates give me life" au

"i stalk your youtube channel wait what do you mean you stalk mine too" au

"we always send each other music recs and playlists but lately it's been feeling personal or am i just imagining things" au

"you know i really really really like hanging out with you on this mmorpg that we both play" au

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