Bussiness AUs

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By tumblr user Padfootdidit

"banged someone last night and it turns out they're interviewing me for my new job" au

"small business next door to each other on the high street w/ similar wares who always fight for customers" au

"rival CEOs who secretly fuck" au

"oops i accidentally banged my new boss" au

"i'm hiring you as a favour to my friend you better be good" au

"children of parents who are business rivals and they sneak off to make out whenever they're forced to attend business meetings" au

"single parent boss who sometimes has to bring the kids into work vs employee who once complained about the boss' toddler throwing up on their paperwork" au

"we're both competing for the same promotion" au

"i'm really really worried you're gonna fire me can i make up for the massive mistake i made???" au

"boss/secretary" au
"uhoh i'm dating my boss' child and had no idea until i took them as my date to a work function" au

"office prank war" au

"i've been working for here for about two minutes i have no idea what i'm doing you've been here for years please help" au

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