Chapter 20

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Riley's P.O.V.

"So I was thinking we could go out to eat for lunch," Ricky said. We were currently talking on the phone, me sitting on my bed.

"Yeah, that sounds good. There's a new burger place that opened a few blocks from my school we could try," I suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll pick you up in like half an hour," Ricky said. I looked at the time. 11:30.

"Ok, I'll see you then!" I exclaimed. We said our goodbyes before hanging up. I went into my closet and got changed. I put on jeans with a purple shirt that had Snoopy dancing on it. I walked downstairs to see my mom and dad in the living room.

"Hey! Ricky and I are going to lunch in 30 minutes," I said. My mom turned to look at me.

"Honey, how come you didn't tell us you were no longer friends with Sarah?" My mom asked me. I frowned.

"I didn't want to say anything in case I was able to fix our friendship. Why? Where'd you find out about that?" I asked.

"You haven't been on Instagram recently, have you?" My dad asked me, looking up from his phone with a look of worry on his face.

"No...why? What happened?" I asked, looking between my parents.

"Sarah posted a picture of you and Hannah, the caption saying how you guys betrayed her by getting with the boys she liked. Apparently she was dating Ricky and you took him from her," my mom explained. I looked at her, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Mom, Sarah hasn't even met Ricky or any of FIYM! How could I have taken Ricky from her? Ricky isn't even the one she has a crush on! She likes Liam!" I exclaimed, upset that Sarah would spread these lies.

"Honey, relax. We believe you. What happened between you and Sarah?" My dad asked. I sighed, sitting on a chair next to the couch that my parents were seated on.

"Well, I wanted to tell Hannah and her about how I met Ricky at that pizza place. I didn't think about making it a joined call and called Hannah first. When Sarah found out, she got all jealous and said that I'd always liked Hannah more than her and ever since then she's been ignoring both Hannah and me," I explained. My parents looked at me sadly.

"We're sorry that happened. We always thought there was something wrong with that girl. Maybe it's best you guys don't make up," my mom said. I nodded.

"Yeah, especially after she made those lies about me. I can't believe her! Okay, I can't get worked up. Ricky's gonna be here soon," I said,shaking my hands to help calm myself down.

"Are you going to talk to him about it?" My mom asked. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, he should know if he doesn't already. I wouldn't be surprised if some of his fans haven't already tagged him in what Sarah posted," I said. My parents nodded. We continued talking as we waited for Ricky to come.

Here's a new chapter! What do you think will happen with Sarah? Comment your thoughts! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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