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Jenny blocks his way
"Do you know Jungkook is going to Tokyo?"
"I bet you don't know after all Jungkook doesn't like a slut like you he told me himself that he is going to Tokyo for some business"
"Shut up jenny I am not in the mode of some bullshit"
"Its not bullshit if you don't believe ask Jungkook yourself that if he's going or not",saying this jenny walks away from there leaving Jimin confused as she want

Its bedtime Jimin come towards the bed where Jungkook is sitting his back against the headboard he is checking some emails in his phone Jimin lay on the bed keeping his head on Jungkook's lap hiding his face in his husband's stomach

"What happened baby?"
Jungkook starts to run his fingers gently in his hairs he kiss his smaller husband's head softly
"Tired?" He asked again
Jimin just nods his head and take Jungkook's other hand and kept it on his chest, he look in to Jungkook's eyes
"Yes cutie"
Jimin smiles a little

"Are you going somewhere?"
"Want do you mean someone said something to you?"
"Yes, jenny said you are going to Tokyo for some business is it true?"
"Yes its true"
Jimin again hides his face in his stomach
"Why don't you tell me?" His voice is muffled as his face is buried in Jungkook's stomach
"I was going to tell you when you come to lay down because today you came late so I decided to tell you at bedtime" he cups Jimin's cute little face in his large hands and kiss him softly

"When will you come back? and when are you going?"
"One week later and I will come back in almost a month" Jimin pouts sadly Jungkook smiles and kiss his pout
"Why so sad hmm?"
"I will miss you" he takes Jungkook's hands in his which were cupping his face then lean forward and kiss on the taller's forehead tenderly
"Please come back to me okay, don't forget me"
"Baby why are you saying things like this" he cups his husband's cute chubby rosy cheeks and begin to crease them with his thumbs

"Because I am sad"
"Don't be and I promise I will come back to you and try to come earlier to you okay" jimin nods his head
"Now smile" Jimin gives his a small smile
"Not this the big one"
He begin the place butterfly kisses on Jimin's neck Jimin giggles because of the tickling sensation

"That's my baby, now come on sleep you are looking very tired" he kiss on his cheeks then Jimin lay place his head on Jungkook's chest and they fall asleep
Jungkook is in his home office thinking about how his life changes after Jimin enter it oh! How much he loves his husband he feels alive with his husband beside him
He is not going on a business trip nobody knows that except for his father and Namjoon, 7 months after his accident his in charge doctor recommend him of a doctor in Tokyo for his surgery but he didn't want to do the surgery at that time because he's traumatized after his accident but now he wants to do it because of his husband he knows that Jimin deservers more than a disable man like him

So he is willing to do anything for his cute husband he didn't tell Jimin because he wants to surprise his husband
Doctor said that he need emotional support so he's taking his father with him and Namjoon hyung will manage the company in his absence

Namjoon is also helping him to collect the evidence they suspect that the accident is not a simple accident its planned someone wants him to die maybe some rivals. he has many business rivals because he's successful business man they are trying to catch the culprit he hopes that they will find him or her soon
They are trying to find the driver of the truck who hits his car once they find the driver they will get to the culprit easily

Suddenly the door of his home office opens and comes a cute small figure inside pouting cutely
"What happen baby?"
"I am confused"
"About what?"
"Should I get red sweatshirt or blue one"

The younger has his laptop in his hands he is ordering some clothes online but now he is confused between two cute sweatshirts so he thought why not ask his handsome hubby
"Come here show me" Jungkook says patting on his thighs Jimin goes and sit on his lap and show him

"The red one" he kiss on the younger's cheek
"Okay" he select the red one
"Are you free?"
"Why baby?"
"I want to do some more shopping and wants your opinion for it"
Jungkook smiles and kiss him softly
"I am always free for my cute baby" Jimin giggles and they begin to shop for Jimin's clothes
Jungkook has been gone for more than 2 weeks he always calls Jimin whenever he have time they talk happily on the phone although they miss each other very much Jungkook's  surgery has been done its been  successful he is now in his healing process and doctor has said for physiotherapy for his legs because he hadn't move them in a long while

They are currently talking on the phone
"Yeah I bake a cake today but sadly you aren't here to taste it" the cute mochi pouts
"What type of cake baby?"
"Chocolate cake" Jimin smiles
"I bet it tastes sweet as you my sweetheart"
"Aish stob it!" Jimin blushes
They were silent for some minutes just listening to each other breathing

" what's on your mind Kookie?"
"Got my mind on your body and your body on my mind"
Jimin face is on fire by now
"You are such a pervert Mr Jeon Jungkook" he says giggling
"By I am your prevert Mr Jeon Jimin"
"Okay you are my prevert,my pervert hubby"
"Only your baby and you are mine my sexy angel"
Jimin is sleeping when he feel someone hover over him he quickly open his eyes and saw Jiwoo hovering him with a disgusting smirk on his face
"What are you doing?" Jimin is panicked by now

"I come to get a taste of you beautiful, such a pretty little thing wanna fuck you and make you my slut I have been waiting for a perfect chance to get you now is the perfect night, pretty nobody is at home mother has gone with jenny and jasmine aunty to stay at their place for tonight now nobody's here to save you for me, my pretty slut you have been running from me right see how I have caught you under me now no one can stop me now, get ready to be fucked by me beautiful" he is grinning evilly

Jimin is getting panicked and anxious he is not understanding anything Jiwoo is saying right now he only knows that he is going to get raped by his husband's younger brother and nobody can save him because they are alone in the house right now

Jiwoo has his hands pinned above his head by his one hand Jimin is trying to break free but Jiwoo is stronger he tried to kick between Jiwoo's legs but he blocked him Jimin is crying and begging him him leave him to not do anything wrong

"Leave me! you bastard leave me!"
"Shut up and let me enjoy you slut!"
"No!no! Leave me! please leave me!"
Jiwoo slapped him hard his lips starts to bleed
"Shut up you whore! And let me do my work!"

Jimin is desperately trying to break free he looks here and there for something to hit Jiwoo with, Jiwoo is kissing his neck his one hand is inside Jimin's shirt and the other one is pinning his hands above his head he freed his one hand from the grip
He roam his hand on the night stand he caught the lamp knocking everything off the night stand he grips it tightly and hits Jiwoo"s head with it

Jiwoo groans in pain the blood started to flow from the back of his head he again hit Jiwoo's head with the lamp
"you fucker" he clutches his head and run out of the room Jimin run behind him and double lock the door and sits down on the floor he begin to cry loudly sobs can be heard he thought what if he wasn't strong enough to fight back what will happen? if he didn't encourage himself to hit Jiwoo then what will happen?

He tired to find his phone to call Jungkook or the police maybe he find it broken on the floor he must have knocked it from the night stand trying to find something to hit Jiwoo and then Jiwoo must have stepped on it while running out of the room now he can't call anyone and he can't go outside risking his life

After sometime he got up and shower clean himself remove the touch of that fucker then wear Jungkook's shirt and sleep while inhaling Jungkook's scent which never fail to clam him down
Next day Jimin decided to go to university its better to go than staying in his house full of lunatics he is walking down the stairs he's halfway to the stairs when someone pushed him and he fell down from the stairs causing his head to hit the ground he clutches his head groaning in pain his world is spinning and black dots are appearing before blacking out he heard a voice
"its the revenge for my Jiwoo"
Now Jimin is laying in the pool of his own blood
Thanks for reading 💕
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