Chapter Thirty-Two

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"They say they are getting closer to finding her." Beca said as her eyes roamed the photographs of street cameras that had just arrived in the mail from police.

"That's good. It's time that our baby girl comes home."

"I quite agree. It's hard to imagine that this boy, our neighbor is a Russian spy. And we still don't know what he want's with her. What could he want with our innocent girl?"

"I don't Becca. Let's just hope he hasn't harmed her."

"Don't think it's weird that he hasn't called for a ransom?"

"I do. But maybe he won't hold her forever and decided that a ransom isn't worth it?" Becca sighed.

"Maybe. But at least I got to hear her voice. She sounded so tired and lost."

"I wish I could have said something. I wish I coud have told her I loved her."

"I'm sure she knows that darling. Besides what if she was only able to sneak away for a little bit. Perhaps he stepped out for a moment and she seized her chance."

"Perhaps." The phone rang. Tom rose and answered it. Then he came back

"The FBI agent is on his way."


"He has some news." There was a pause and then "It's about Taylor."

"What was it?"

"He didn't say much, just that he discovered something about her blood and how it related to us."

"Hopefully it is nothing bad."

"I wouldn't worry about it." A very deep and accented voice said. Tom and Becca gasped as a burly man with one eye came from around the corner. Tom squinted and the familiarity entered his mind. He grasped his wife's hand

"Oh it's you." Arseny chuckled.

"So you have heard of me! Well I am honored." He said dipping into a bow. Becca filled with rage and not thinking went up to him with fist raised, she shook it back and forth at him

"It's not like we wanted to hear-" Arseny slapped her, she screamed and Tom covered her with his arms

"Silence woman! You are only to speak when spoken to."

"That was uncalled for! If you wanna hit someone-"

"SIT DOWN!" Arseny yelled, the anger in his eyes evident. With a whimper Becca sat in the chair and Tom took a moment before he too sat

"Why are you here?" Becca asked with a shaky voice

"Because it is time you learn the truth about your daughter

"And what's that?"

"Well, the one you have now, Taylor. That's not your daughter. Her name is Alina Petrov and she is of Russian descent. She is not your blood at all but of Russian blood."

"But how can that be?"

"Because I took her from Russia and brought her here, I switched her out with your child and brought your child to Russia with me."

"So our girl is in russia!?"

"Yes my dear Lady and I have taught her to be the greatest assassin of all time."

"But what does your son have to do with it!?"

"Oh so you do know about Alexi! Well-" Arseney began as he chuckled and rubbed his hands together "My son was here to collect her, it was her mission to bring her back, back to me so I may kill her." Beccas gasped

"But why?"

"Because she was born to the man who owned the rival gang to mine. He was somehow better, faster and I couldn't stand it. But after I discovered that the next leader would be a woman, I could not have it! Women are not meant to lead men, men are to lead women."

"So you have our daughter now, o-our fake one?"

"No. You see my son has not delivered her and therefore I have come here to track them down."

"Does our real daughter know about us?"

"Yes and No."

"Why are you telling us all this?"

"Because the one way to get Alina to come to me is to say that her parents are dead."


"Becca, Tom, and I'd like you to meet Dabria, your daughter." A woman stepped from the shadows, cloaked in black. A gold mask covered her mouth, the light green eyes glowed with rage. She pulled down her hood to reveal black hair with two white strips in the front.

"Hello Mum, dad. Say goodbye." Bang Bang, went the gun. Becca and Tom's heads slumped forward and touched their chin. Blood oozed out of the hole in their foreheads and down their noses dripping drop by drop onto their hands. Arseny took a picture and then pocketed the phone.

"Very good child, now, let us go and find the actual one that needs to die." Their laughs echoed through the house and the neighborhood as they disappeared into the night leaving the two bodies to rot for all eternity.

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