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GORGEOUSfriday, december 18th

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friday, december 18th

"Give it up for Hawkins High drama club!"

The whole room bursted into applause along with some whistles and a few 'go Tammy!'s. The cast formed the usual line, holding eachother's hands and walking to the edge of the stage.

They bowed and the crowd applaufed, it went on and on and on. Beth smiled, holding tightly to the ones beside her.

She had a better feeling about everything now. Her and Robin had survived the week without any other problems. Turns out that Josh had some sense in his head, and hopefully he has kept all the information to himself.

Still, the days had been exhausting. Both the girls had to look constantly where they went together; they couldn't appear as a pair anywhere public. It was hard, and sad, and Beth was absolutely done with school. She was more than happy about Christmas break starting on monday.

The real show was over, now there was only one more thing to do before they were free of school.

The real party.

The school gymnasium was almost full with drama students and their parents. The teachers had set up a little table for drinks, and the crows was shuffling around that spot. The air was thick. Beth walked away from her mom and dad who were talking with Ms. Grace.

Now, she was really glad that Tammy had thrown that other party. This one was not even a party, not even on the spectrum of parties. The music was just on the background, everyone was just invested in their conversations: well, mostly the parents. Every teenager in the place was either secretly drunk, or bored out of this world. And Beth belonged in the last group. Whose idea was it to even throw this thing? Sure, the parents seemed to be enjoying themselves, but was this fuss really necessary? No.

Beth was really uncomfortable. She had decided to wear her mother's old dress tonight, and oh man was that a mistake. The dress was really cute, a dark blue knee-length dress with a flowy hem. Beth just didn't feel like... herself in it. It was too tight, she would've much rather wore a pair of pants. She was sick of the cheap soda they had to drink, the boring music and the polite chitchatting everyone was doing.

As she walked to the side of the gym, she spotted a familiar face standing nearby the wall.

Her girlfriend.

"Hey, Robin. Enjoying yourself?" The girl asked, catching Robin's attention.

"Never better." Robin ironically said. "Why on earth did they have to invite parents to this? It's not such a big deal."

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