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thea rolled over in her bed, squinting to read the time on her alarm clock.


her eyes widened in shock.

i've slept for....twelve whole hours?

after kai left, she spent an hour crying on the kitchen floor before hauling herself to her bedroom for what she wanted to be a small nap. and well...a small nap turned into a very long sleep.

stretching her arms, she climbed out of bed. wanting to feel fresh and somewhat energised, she hopped in the shower, hoping it would clear her mind.


thea glanced at her watch.


she sighed. it was almost as if she was waiting for something to happen. but as expected, nothing happened.

she curled up on the couch, pulling her knees tightly into her chest. the flat was still silent, no music, no tv, just the sound of thea's never ending thoughts in her mind. 

the brunette girl reflected ont he previous day. maybe she was in the wrong? her brain was still muddled so she didn't even know what to believe.

burying her face in her hands, she felt tears escape her eyes. who could she even call? aliyah was out and she didn't want to disturb her date weekend. heidi was celebrating her dad's 50th birthday. her dad would most likely give her a lecture as that was something she did not want.

and the two other people she would talk to in situations like this, were the cause of the situation.

thea sniffled, brushing away her tears as she scrolled through her contacts. half of the chelsea boys were at mason's yesterday so there was no point messaging them.

but then, thea's finger hovered over one specific name that hadn't been at mason's the previous day. after a second of hesitation, she pressed dial.

"hey thea, what's up!"

the perky tone of her friend mate her want to crumble. "hey ben!" thea spoke, her voice instantly cracking.

"you alright?" ben asked, immediately concerned.

"i'm surprised nobody has told you yet," thea muttered.

"i was out all day yesterday...i-uh haven't been on my phone," the british boy trailed off in confusion. "what happened? is everything okay?"

thea couldn't help but burst into tears. nothing was alright. nothing was okay. "this might be too much to ask," thea's voice wobbled, "but are you free to come over to mine-"

"i'll be there in twenty minutes," ben said firmly, "actually, make it fifteen."

"thank you," thea murmured.

the call ended as thea grabbed some more tissues and dried her eyes. never did she see the day where she would go to ben chilwell for comfort, but here she was.


thea quite literally jumped off the sofa at the sound of the intercom to which she immediately let ben through the main door. finding the key on the shelf, she unlocked the flat door, hearing ben jog up the stairs.

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