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"here you go, have fun!

"danke!" the two german best friends said in sync as they loaded up the screen for their bowling game.

it was something they hadn't done in a while so thea had suggested for them to do it. the put it lightly... was not the best at bowling. but she loved it either way!

"ready to get your ass whipped?" heidi cackled evily.

"in your dreams, bitch," thea glared, still in denial about her shocking bowling skills.

heidi muttered under her breath as she picked up the bowling ball for her first go. "we shall see."


thea.becked added to her insta story

becked added to her insta story

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"that's not fair! you cheated!" thea exclaimed loudly as the two exited the bowling building.

"you have to accept that you're terrible about it sweetie," heidi grinned.

"you're so mean. why do i hang out with you?" thea huffed in an overdramatic tone.

heidi smiled, "why don't you ring your boyfriend kai? i'm sure he will be superrr nice to you."

"he's not my boyfriend," thea scowled as heidi winked at her.

they entered a busy mcdonalds to grab a quick lunch. kids streamed passed them, happy meals clutched into their small hands.

"fine. are you getting your normal?" heidi asked, changing the conversation topic.

"yes please," thea nodded.

heidi stepped to the pay machine, putting in thea's 6 piece chicken nugget meal and her own quarter pounder with cheese meal.


kaihavertz29 has replied to your story

who won

me obviously🙄

hmmm not sure
of i believe you
after the story you
told me the other

okay fine she won
by 52 points. stop
rubbing it in my
face 😤💔

oh i would never
dream of it😉


thea subconsciously blushed as the two walked out of the mcdonalds, just having finished their meal. they were now en route back to thea's house where they would chill for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

"what are you blushing at?" heidi questioned, a grin present on her face, hinting that she already knew the answer.

"nobody," thea huffed, stuffing her phone into her pocket.

heidi looks at her best friend with a triumphant look on her face, "so it is a person!"

thea rolled her eyes.

"and does this person's name happen to begin with kai and end in havertz?"

the red tint on the brunette's cheeks increased even more as she turned her face away, avoiding eye contact with the blonde.

"you can just admit it was him you know," heidi sighed.

"yeah but then you would go on about-" thea began to argue before she got cut off.

"-how you two would be a good couple. yes i know. but i'm not wrong!" heidi stated, as they turned the road to thea's house.

"i don't even like him," thea mumbled, looking at the rough concrete floor.

"keep telling yourself that," heidi tutted, "you keep saying you don't but-"

"oh shut up didi!" thea scoffed hastily, rolling her eyes as she unlocked the door to her house.

heidi stuck her tongue out immaturely, "you know i'm right."

"yeah, and pigs can fly!" the brunette laughed with a salty tone, as the two entered the whole, thea locking the door again before chucking the keys in the little pot.

"at some point in the future they might!" heidi argued, attempting to defend herself but their was a smile playing on her lips.

"whatever you say. but also-"

thea cut herself off.

her jaw dropping slightly as the two entered the lounge. because there her dad sat. the letter from the london culinary school in his hands.

and there had just been one tiny problem.

thea had not told her dad about applying for any of them.

dun dun dunnnn
lots of drama.
butttt this also
means its close to
thea meeting the

i am also finally back
to my weekly updates
on wednesdays!!

the chelsea fc gc | kai havertzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang