7. Blatant Lies

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"So it isn't a pile of limbs, it got reported at two in the morning, and she got murdered at our favourite cafe? How much worse can it get!" Karl says with frustration while walking in circles, pulling his hair.

George is also frustrated, but confused as well. Why did Dream suddenly stop that new technique of his that he seemed to have grown so fond to? He cringes.

Karl doesn't want to look at the body. It's understandable, because his job revolves around a computer, not around witnessing actual murders.

Now George is standing alone with the body, looking at her intensely. He picks up her hand and touches the smiley-face that is engraved in her palm.

He  walks to the other side of the dead body to see if there's a smiley-face on her other palm. He raises a brow when he notices that her hand is closed, so he opens it.

A note. His heart beats fast.

Who is that fraud creating those piles? It simply says with a different kind of italic handwriting than last time.

George is beyond confused.

He's also shaken up quite a bit, but mostly confused. What does he mean?

Is he playing games with us again?

Or is this not him?

The thought lingers for a second before Karl enters the room again. "I informed Wilbur, and he agrees, it's so odd," he sighs.

George copies Karl's sigh before asking, "Karl, what do you think Dream means by this?" he innocently questions his friend, holding up the note for him to see.

Karl grabs the note and reads it repeatedly, his face more scared every time he reads it.

"What the-" he cuts himself off, reading it again. "I don't know. What do you think?" he retorts.

"I don't know," George sighs.

They make their way back to the employee's, now with a note in their hand. "I'm sorry," George says, looking at them mourning. He almost feels guilty for her death, even though he shouldn't.

He remembers the mutual smiles they made. "What's her name?" Karl asks, curious, though with a sad frown.

The two employees look up at Karl with teary eyes, "Tina, or Tina Kitten, that's what her nickname was," one of them says, tears pouring out of her eyes as she speaks.

Tina. George thinks. How could such a light hearted soul deserve to die like that?

He shakes himself out of the thoughts, not wanting to build an attachment to the already dead girl, who he's looked deep in the eyes. He know he can't look at her dead body now that he knows her name.

George and Karl leave soon after. George asks Karl if he thinks they should check the note for fingerprints, but then he remembers that they already have his fingerprint.

Today is the day where Karl can finally hack into the police's database and find Dream's identity.

When they enter the building, Karl heads straight to his computer. George trails behind, because he just doesn't get it. He worries more about the note than he should.

Karl seems to have forgotten about the note, because he soon plops himself down on a chair and texts Hannah, asking for the code.

"It might take a while," Karl sighs, "there's so many people to look through," he continues. After Hannah sends him the code, he enters it.

And then he's in. Easy.

But the not-so-easy part, is when Karl looks at the amount of people that could be a potential match to the fingerprint.

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