Chapter Twenty-Seven:

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I smile into his hair as I hold him closer, I never want to let this boy go I don't know if I can wait till we graduate to ask this sweet boy to be mine for the rest of my life. " I love you, Midoriya." I spoke into the boy's hair, I felt him smile and snuggle into me more I slowly start to drift off to sleep after hearing him say he loves me back.

I start making coffee for myself, and Midoriya I bring his over the coffee the boy still asleep I kiss his head softly "Midoriya, time to wake up." his eyes slowly open and look at me I lean down and kiss him once again. He gets up and makes his way to the bathroom, and I continue to get dressed and ready for class packing all my books I will need into my bag, and my pencil case in there as well, taking sips at my coffee every now and then. Midoriya going through his normal morning routine, going through the skin care routine mina made for him.

holding his hand as we walk into class, I'm not going to try and hide it anymore I love him and I can't lose him, so if that means people think of me differently so be it. I love this boy more than I can fathom being without him. I go and sit down in my seat, and he does the same, the other students start to trickle in and soon the bell went, not to long after sensi walks in, wearing the usual yellow sleeping bag. he looks at me and Midoriya, "it's nice to see you too are talking again." he smiled at the both of us and we smiled back.

at the end of the class, we both head to the training room and start to do some extra training, because as much as I hate to admit it, I lost a lot of my strength and muscle tone when I stopped eating. So Midoriya has been helping me gain it back in a healthy way, we have been training every day for the past week. somehow when we were sparing Deku managed to get on top of me I looked at him, blush rushing across my face I turn my head quickly, worried he will notice, his finger guides my gaze back to him face as he brings his face down to mine "it's been a while since I have seen you blush kacchan"  fuck he saw

"I guess you haven't, I guess I was just worried you would think that I was less masculine." I spoke my face going more red then it was before trying to hid my face with my hands, and he pulled my hands away from my face pinning my hands next to my head leaning down just a bit more

"I would never think you less masculine. you are one of the most masculine people I know" he spoke touching his lips to mine after, I pause and soak in the moment then kissing him back. I cant wait to marry this man he has been the best thing to happen to me and I am so happy, i cant thank this boy enough with how much he has helped me, I can't use words to explain how much I love this boy, he makes my heart melt, just thought of him makes my heart all mushy.

"Thank you Izuku, that means a lot to me you have no idea." I say to him and pull him in closer

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