Chapter Twenty- Four:

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I smile and roll my eyes, " Do yous want some?" I question hearing  a unison of voices agreeing. "mina, can I get some help taking it to the table?" I question looking at the bright pink queen, she nods and helps to serve out the food, everyone eager to devour the katsudon that I made, coming to sit down with everyone i place my self next to izuku and smile at him a little, "itadakimasu"  hearing it in unison before they all start to enjoy the katsudon I smile and say it back. 

sitting back with my stomach full looking around the table seeing all of my class mates full and happy "Anyone want dessert?" I say jokingly to hear a bunch of groans and 'I'm so full' making me laugh a little know that I am still too full to even think of desert just yet. I look over at Izuku and he smiles at me looking so tired and stuffed. I am doing my best and I hope the other see that , I really hope I can start to redeem myself. we all sit there for a little longer chatting about school and other interests we all have. I figured out that a few of my class mates had started up a little anime club and they meet every Thursday when we aren't saving the town or training. i smiled and got up from my chair "well if no one wants dessert i will be in the shower." i speak as i go to leave the dinning area to go to my dorm to get my shower thing then head to the showers. 

closing my eyes as i lift my head to greet the water as it trails down my body and hearing the water hit the ground, feeling all my guilt, negative energy and bad feelings just fade away, not constaly afraid im going to explode, looking down at my hands and seeing the scaring on my palms from my quirk. my lips pull down into a frown when i see them, my quirk is great but it hurts, but i guess i have just gotten used to it. feeling the water begin to get cold i switch it off and wrap a towel around my waist and walk back to my dorm where i can wash my face and get dressed. opening the door to go to my dorm, I am met with a pair of vibrant green eyes, a smile creeping on to my face without intending to, I shake my head slightly seeing the boy sit there in awe.

"I sure missed this." The green eyed boy spoke tracking my body with his eyes, with that being said I feel the blood rush to my face creating a reddish hue on my cheeks. Looking at him and shaking my head going to the clothes cupboard and getting dressed. my towel dropping feeling his hand connect with my ass cheek, a slight sting but more pleasure washed over me i bit my lip to conceal the noise the pressed to breach my lips. the reddish hue became bright red and all over my face. no longer a cute anime blush but now an all over cover of red. i continue to dress myself. "awe is my kitten getting red?" he growls in a low tone, shivers run up my spin not answering his obvious but flirty question. i shake my head knowing he is right, he stands up feeling his finger tips start to trail my body i straighten up slightly against his touch.  i look to the ground to avoid his eye contact, he is not gonna get me this time, i have the upper hand. feeling his warm breath on my neck my eyes rolling back and shivering my back pressing against his chest, not meaning to make contact with his body. he wraps his arms around my body and starts to play with my nipples i gasp not expecting that out of the small green haired male. i looked at him, and asked him politely if he could stop and he did just that, " what's the matter kitten?" he asks not in a nagging way but to see if i am okay. 

"i am okay, i just want our relationship to get better before we get back into that. if you don't mind, i am just worried that if we keep doing this we wont fix our reationship, i want to get better, i want us to be better. i am sorry if that not what you wanted to hear but i want you to know i am not mad." i spoke my head not once falling making eye contact the whole time 

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