Follow the Signs

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There were signs everywhere and Camilla cursed herself internally for not realizing it sooner. She should have noticed the first night they had been at her house. Hunter was constantly on edge, jumping at every small sound and movement around them. Of course, he had started to relax and let up a little. Everyone else was also a worse for wear, but that isn't an excuse. Anyone could have been able to tell from looking at the boy. The dark bags under his eyes, the scars littering his body in random places. Other little signs. He couldn't look himself in the mirror for reasons she never questioned or bothered to double back on. Hunter didn't speak without given permission when she was in the room. He was so polite that Camilla just didn't question that behavior.

She sometimes noticed Luz comforting Hunter. Once in the middle of the night, Camilla had gotten up for some water. While passing the bathroom she noticed the door cracked open slightly. Peeking in, she saw Luz holding Hunter while he cried and struggled to breathe. Her daughter looked so tired, and Hunter looked so small at that moment. Camilla wasn't sure what to do or how to help, so she went back to bed, forgetting about the water.

She'd decided to ask Luz later, to which Luz replied by telling her mother that "Emperor Belos was Hunter's uncle, and the coven was the only home he had ever known. But it... wasn't a good home, and he's just... having some trouble adjusting." She remembered feeling bad then, still unable to think of what she could do to help. Suppose she should have thought about it then.

There were so many signs. So why was it that it only all came together and clicked in her head now? When she had reached her hand out, and the teen flinched away and looked at her with horrified eyes. He was holding his breath. Once he realized it was Camilla, his face loosened though his body stayed tense.

"O-oh. Camilla it's just you. Did you need me for something?" He feigned a smile, like he hadn't just been terrified out of his mind.

"Can I speak with you in the other room?" She asked. She was holding her own breath without realizing it. Originally, she hadn't needed him for anything, she'd been in the kitchen boiling water to make some tea. She just wanted to say hello to the group discussing their plans in the living room.

"Of course, ma'am." He replied quickly, standing up and following her out of the room while the other's watched them leave in silence. Once they reached the kitchen, Hunter turned to her. "So, what can I help you with?" He asked with a hint of excitement. He seemed eager to prove himself, just another sign she should have seen before.

"Hunter, are you alright?" She asked timidly. Hunter's newly relaxed composure became slightly tense again. "You looked scared and flinched away."

"Oh." Hunter gave a half-baked smile, rubbing the back of his head. "I hadn't noticed sorry."

"No, it's okay." Camila could tell he wasn't lying when he said that. Maybe he really hadn't noticed that was his general reaction. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Of course, don't worry! I just didn't get a lot of sleep." Hunter's voice was rising in pitch. He chose to look anywhere but at Camila.

She let out a heavy sigh and placed a hand on her cheek, propping it there with the other arm wrapping around her body. "Oh cariño, you are such a bad liar." She said softly while shaking her head. She slowly reached forward, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.

He tensed up fully at the contact, which of course didn't go unnoticed by Camila. He was now looking up at her with a hurt and painful expression. She in turned looked at him with sadness and endearment.

"I- I'm sorry I lied. I'll do... better next time." He said so quietly, drawing out each word like he was choosing them very carefully. He began to shake, shutting his eyes tight.

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