Mayi Story of a tiny ant (Part 1)

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Once there lived an ant in one of the ant villages . His name was Huangse . He was obedient to his queen . He used to live with other ants in an ant colony in Hotan . There were 777 ants in his colony . Their queen ant was in charge of all their activities. The task of Huangse was to collect foods . He had a friend named Meigui . She had been his best friend since his childhood . She was always by his side in his need . Her task was also to collect foods same as Huangse. There were four members in his team . Huangse , Meigul, Luse,Suan cheng .
Everymorning they used to leave their home and go near buildings or forests in search of foods . They used to walk a long way to reach each destinations . By doing all these they used to pass their time . Though these tasks were hard for them but they didn't care much of it and took it as their fate . Luse was an angry and arrogant ant . Who used to fight and argue with everyone specially with Hiangse . He used to see Hiangse as a competitor. He always used to challange Huangse . Everyone in the colony used to dislike him due to his behaviour . But he didn't care about these nor about anyone . Queen of the colony had warned him several time but Luse never obeys her and gets out of those issues someone .

One day Huangse,Maigul,Suan Cheng and Luse left their home for collecting foods . They went to a nearby cave where they had never visited before . It was like a huge cave for that tiny ants but in reality yhe cave was just a small sandy cave made by some kids from a nearby slum . The cave had a tiny entrance. From the entrance it could be seen that there was dark inside . Susan Cheng begged them not to go inside as he was little afraid but there was no one to listen to him . Anyways they all entered into the dark cave .

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