Chapter 1: Betrothal

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For the past two hours, Sera's gaze had been fixated on her reflection as the maids pinned, pulled, and clipped her gown. Creating a mesmerizing lace violet gown. Its golden flower embroidering swept around her shoulders while a belt of its same embellishment wrapped around her waist, snatching it into a perfect look.

She couldn't help but look towards the Queen. Her hair was as ripples of pure earth, woven with strands of gold and auburn lights, softly reflecting the light of the sun; a compliment to her elegance and stillness.

"Mother?" She called.

A slight hmm escaped her mother's lips. For not but a minute had her eyes looked over to her daughter in the past hours. She was too anxious, staring out the window, waiting for that one black carriage with its blood-red banner to pull in.

"Am I really to be betrothed?".

Queen Clera looked over at her only successor. "That boy is the heir to Dellz. A remarkably powerful kingdom we do not wish to go to war with. Your betrothal to that boy secures the safety of our nation. It spares us from needing to create any bloodshed."

"I'm all but 10. I sure don't wish to be married just yet" Sera replied with a melancholy tone to her voice as her eyes fell to her slippers.

With grace, the queen swiftly made her way to her daughter. "You have nothing to worry my darling. you aren't to be wed until your eighteenth birthday."

"Is he even my age? Or some temperamental pot-belly middle age man who loses consciousness with a drink in his hand every couple of hours."

Queen Clera chuckled before cupping her daughter's chin. "He is around your age, I was told."

Queen Clera lightly caressed her daughter's s cheek, tugging small strands of Sera's brown hair away from her frail face. She couldn't help but catch a glimpse of herself in her daughter. By seven she was betrothed and by the age of fifteen, she was wedded. Times were difficult back then, and more so now if this marriage arrangement doesn't transpire. "He will be a good husband and a fine king someday but you will be a strong exceptional queen of two kingdoms bound into one powerful empire."

Sera smiled a bit more confidently. She had a duty and she knew it well. The constant reminder never seemed to diminish as the only heir to Astorah. She knew she was going to be betrothed but not that soon, not at this early age.

The horns blew, making Sera jump back from fear. Her mother rapidly scampered to the window, pulling the curtain aside to view the carriage that made its way inside the gates. Guards in all-black armor marched on foot in perfect synchronization holding the banner to Dellz kingdom. Jet black stallions that pulled the carriage with their powerful hooves trotted against the pavement, rendering it to a sudden halt at the steps of the castle.

Taking a deep breath in Queen Clera turned to face her daughter and maids. 'It's time" she said while extending her hand toward her daughter. Sera hesitated for a second, before placing her small hand on her mother's. The Queen held tightly, hauling her daughter at her side as they exited Sera's chambers. The maids follow close behind, lightly padding the Queen's and princess's skirts.

As they descended the main steps Clera softly spoke to Sera, "remember, to curtsy and introduce yourself. Don't speak more than you are asked to. Smile but don't show your teeth and you shall not be enthusiastic or unhappy- content is a fairer emotion."

Sera didn't answer so her mother briefly stopped and looked at her. "Do you understand?"

Sera lifted her gaze towards her. "Yes, mother."

They descended the final steps and at the bottom of the steps waited King Rainer Zetian.

"My Lord" Queen Clera said followed by a quick curtsey. The King acknowledged his wife with a gracious smile before he took her hand in his and planted a kiss on the back of her hand. "My Queen."

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