Part 134

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Lin Fei hugged the cub and quietly looked at the world outside the car window. The tall buildings that go straight into the sky, the endless stream of vehicles, the clean and wide roads...

Everything here is so different from his past life.

"This place is so beautiful!" 

Zhu Dazhu and the others who were sitting in the van were also leaning against the window, looking at the world outside the car and the passers-by on the street.

"Look at how high that building is, it looks like 20 or 30 stories higher than the house in our hometown?"

"I can't see it, looks like it's more than 40 stories high..." Zhu Ershui, who was sitting next to him, answered.

"Hey, look at the car parked next to it, how stylish! When I make money, I'll buy one too."

Listening to the excited voices of the two people in the car, as a boss, he naturally knew that he had to encouraged when he should. Wang Kuanlu, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, turned his head and said with a smile, "Work hard, if you make enough money, you will have everything!"

Zhu Dazhu and the others grinned at each other, with longing for a better future.

Lin Fei retracted his gaze from the car window, lowered his head, and looked at the little doll in his arms.

The cub had already woken up. At the moment, she was holding her little hands and playing with her fingers one by one in a bored manner. Seeing Lin Fei's eyes, she immediately returned a heartless and "toothless" smile.

Toothless cub, heartbroken -

Lin Fei looked at cub's innocent and cute little face, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, the confusion and worry in his heart all turned into courage to move forward.

Everything will be fine, won't it?


The village in the city, located in the old city, has several old buildings, and the outer walls are full of mottled traces of time.

It was summer, and the branches of the branches kept calling.

A few motorcycles were parked at random in front of the rusted iron gate; under the telephone poles covered with small advertisements, the barber shop and the pastry shop stood next to each other;

the signboard of one family had been covered with thick dust, The words "washing, cutting and blowing ten yuan" are pasted on the glass sliding door;

one family simply did not put up a signboard. There was a high steaming tray on the table in front of the door, passersby knew that it was selling pasta.

"Three steamed buns and two flower rolls." 

The half-person-high steamer was opened layer by layer, the apron-wearing boss glanced at it and said in a foreign accent: "There are no flower rolls or steamed buns. Now, only the buns are left, how about?" 

The boss swiftly torn off a plastic bag, rubbed it twice, and spread it out. At this moment, he was holding a clip and a bag in one hand, and waited for the customer to open his mouth and immediately started to use it.

The young man who was shopping thought for a while, then said, "I want two stuffed meat with sauce, and three stuffed with cabbage."

"Good!" When a business came to the door, the boss's voice became a lot more cheerful.

The young man left with a bag of buns.

Downstairs of the unit,

several old men were playing chess in a crowd.

He wears a big white vest on his upper body and black wide shorts on his lower body. There is a tea cup on the stone table, and holds a palm fan in one hand.

The two sat on a stone bench to play a game and the people next to them were either sitting or standing. Some had their own stools, while others wore reading glasses and bent over with a pestle in front of them.

In the past corridor, an aunt who came back from grocery shopping was preparing to go upstairs.

Inadvertently, she glanced at the group of people watching chess. The relaxed appearance of the familiar figure made Auntie's face change immediately, and she shouted at her old man angrily:  

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