Part 101.

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Lord Shen became an abandoned husband.

When he heard the news, he was at a loss.

On the southward road, he accompanied the pseudo-emperor and could not get away. When they were resting, they saw that everyone around them looked exhausted and it was rare to think of Mrs. Zhang and his two young sons who were still in the convoy.

He had tried to find the past several times to take care of his wife and children, but he had been stumped by this or that. Either he wanted to take the opportunity to have a relationship with his younger brother after applying for the fake, or concubine Zhou Shi was pestering him to seek comfort with her sore legs.

In this way, it was not until the group arrived at the destination that Shen Shixing suddenly realized that the person who was supposed to be in the convoy was missing.

Where is his wife?

The man finally knew that he was in a hurry, and searched back and forth in the convoy several times. In the end, only the luggage of his Shen family was found, but none of the items belonging to Zhang's family were found.

Zhang shi is gone, the two youngest sons are gone, the servants and maids that Zhangshi had when got married with hin were not seen! Only then did the man finally realize that something was wrong. Sure enough, it didn't take long for news from the imperial city to reach the south.

When the new emperor ascended the throne, Duke Zhongguo and Taifu Wen became important ministers of the new dynasty. These people who moved south became fake emperors and traitorous ministers that everyone shouted and beat.

The daughter of Duke Zhongguo knows righteousness, resolutely draws a line with the traitorous ministers and resolutely refuses to join forces. She has become a role model for women in the new dynasty.

Shen Shixing has no wife again.

But this time, he was not a widower, but an abandoned husband. It was plainly announced to the world that she dumped him!

Shen Shixing was fortunate to be the first man ever to be abandoned by his daughter-in-law.

"What a shame!"

After learning the news, she was so angry that her face was blue and angry, and she said angrily: "Our ancestors of the Shen family have been shamed by that woman!"

She turned her head and looked at the man sitting beside her and said, "This palace know that woman has always looked down on our Shen family in her heart, and now she is!"

La shen Shixing lowered his head and looked very depressed.

Seeing his younger brother's appearance after applying for the fake, her brows were furrowed. Could it be that she was still thinking about that Zhang Shi, this is not good, now our Shen family can rely on him.

She comforted her softly: "It's all said to marry a husband, Mrs. Zhang is so disobedient to women, she dares to abandon you before her husband is dead. Don't worry about such a woman. There are so many good daughters in the world, Brother, are you still afraid that you won't be able to find a new wife? Earlier, Ben Gong saw that you didn't like that Zhang shi very much. This time, my sister will carefully choose a good one for you..."

"Enough!" He scolded and was stunned after applying for falsehood. 

She stared blankly at Shen Shixing, who had always been obedient, stood up with a dark face, and walked outside, without saying hello to her.

Knowing the news from the imperial city, Du Yunniang looked sullen. She still remembered the scene when she first saw this Zhang Shi.

Being treated coldly by her husband, being bullied by concubine, being ignored by her stepson and being neglected by her servants... 

Although Zhang's expression was exhausted, she was still arrogant and unwilling to compromise with reality.

There was a lot of noise in the Shenhou mansion, and it was rumored privately in the circle of noble ladies in the imperial city. This Shenhou lady, Mrs. Zhang, was a shrew. The house is restless.

At that time, Du Yunniang was sitting in the middle of the noble ladies of the imperial city, accompany her with a smile and agreed.

In dealing with these dukes and countesses, she is very good at it. She can warm up the atmosphere and know the times. In general, things will come. She has successfully entered the circle of noble ladies in the imperial city and they naturally do not shy away from her when they speak.

It's none of my business, other people's affairs are just a joke.

Du Yunniang's mood was very complicated when she saw that the noble girl of the past was reduced to the present situation. There was pity, sympathy, and some emotions that she couldn't describe herself, but she was also more convinced that her choice was the right one.

But now...

she was confused.

Du Yunniang sat on the soft couch and lowered her head. She gently stroked her flat abdomen. Originally this belly should have been pregnant by now this month.


her child is gone.

The external statement is that due to travel fatigue, an unexpected miscarriage was born.

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