Chapter 2

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"We have a potential donor for your father Layla." hearing the words coming out of the doctor's mouth I was more than just ecstatic.

I came to the hospital to meet Dad before going to meet my future husband, this was going to be tough so I just needed to prepare myself. Sorta get his blessings.

Dad doesn't know anything about me and how Mom treated me, I didn't want to stress him more, he just thinks I am a good editor who can pay the hospital bills.

He has a lot on his plate now, the next thing he has to worry about shouldn't be me.

With an average salary of 55,000 dollars, with right now only 5000 dollars in my savings.which Emma forced me to do and now I am thankful to her.

"when is the transplant Doctor," I asked.

"Layla, the UNOS won't just handle organs like that, Your dad needs to move higher on the list, I have a source there, he told me the liver matched your dad's." Doctor Vincent told me, still confused why they can't just move him upper on the list.

"then what's the problem, Doctor?" I asked.

"Layla to move up on the list, you need to pay around 10,000 dollars it should be deposited in two days, I am sorry I couldn't help you." hearing this I could feel the earth shaking beneath me.

I can't get a loan due to my balance in a bank account, even if I am lucky enough to get the loan, the bank won't give me the money in less than 1 week.

Dr. Vincent, knows my condition making him feel sorry for me.

"it's okay, doctor I will get the money you just please reserve some spot for him for the surgery," I said.

"Layla, after the money is being paid it will take at least a month for all the paperwork and then for surgery, it will be mostly another month." Doctor Vincent said as he kept a hand on my shoulder to try to help support me.

"we will save your dad okay, don't worry." I smiled and nodded to his kind words.

I made my way to my dad's room seeing him laying on the bed and watching a football match on the tv.

He looked so much changed from my childhood pictures where we looked happy.

His grey hair locks, his eye bags, he even grew thinner with all the medications but his hair look still the same thick and black.

Like he haven't aged a day.

The scandal about their divorce is still in the news, I just read and regretted how my mother's greed destroyed our happy family.

How it made me and my dad separated for 22 years, but now he is near me, I won't let him go away. For a split second his eyes averted from the T.V. screen.

"Hey, Layla." a big smile planted on my face, "hey, dad I have good news for you." he looked at me with curious eyes as he sat straight on the bed with the help of the railing bed. He is getting weak now.

"you are going to get your transplant in couple of months, you are going to be just fine." I delivered the news to him and I could see the relief and happiness in his eyes.

"oh my dear, you have no idea how happy I am hearing this news, getting far away from this hospital and getting back to my life, my office is all the things I dream of."

hearing this I felt a ping in my heart, back to his life, will he leave me again, but I cooled myself down maybe his professional life he said his office too.

dad ate his breakfast while watching the football game, while I just said there looking at my dad and thinking about how to arrange money for the surgery.

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