Part Eight

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Bible's POV

"Don't worry. I will take care of everything as long as by you saying this it means you want to be with me. Because if I do this and we go back to the way things were then that's not good enough for me. I'll always want you to be a part of my life Bui, whether we're together or not, but if we're not going to be together, then I'm going to try and make it work with someone else. I know that sounds like I don't love you, but I need to try and be happy. I don't want to see my life get wasted away on someone who has no intention of being anything other than my friend."

"Then you need to be with Praya, I can't in all honesty tell you what I want and I don't want you to put your life on hold for me. It's not fair to either us."

I walked out the room with not a single glance back. How could he just say that with no emotion after everything? I had thought that if I gave him an ultimatum he would have told me how he felt and what he really wanted. But of course, typical Build, trying to make everyone else happy with no regards to his own feelings. He hadn't changed. He'd been like that since we were kids. I made my way down stairs and found everyone on the back deck having glasses of champagne and enjoying the fire pit. Pai was asleep in Po's lap, Mile standing protectively over then, Praya was in conversation with my dad and my mom was standing closest to the entrance watching everyone. She shot me a wink as I walked back and I couldn't help but flash her a smile. She'd always supported my relationship with Bui, no matter in what context it was. She'd known even when we were younger that there was a special connection between us. I sat on one of the chairs and waited for Bui to make his appearance. I heard him come out a few moments later and start talking to my mom. They were talking too soft for anyone else to hear.

"Did you get anything resolved?"

"If by resolved you mean telling him everything because he overheard us, then yes. If you mean are we getting into a relationship because we both confessed our undying love, then no."

"What is wrong with you two? It's obvious there are feelings there, are you just too scared to tell him how you feel? What did he say about the baby?"

"What could he say, he said exactly what you thought he would. He told me he would have come back if I'd told him. Of course I'm scared to tell him how I feel. What if he gets tired of me after a while and finds someone else? What if I get tired of him?"

My mom started laughing softly, "Oh honey we both know that would never happen. You've been in love with him since you were 14 years old. I remember when you slipped up and told me you had a crush on him. That was over 10 years ago. If your feelings haven't changed by now they aren't going to."

Did she just say he'd liked me since he was 14? I hadn't really paid attention to him like that when we were that age. For me it had started around 16. I had slowly started realizing how funny I felt when I wasn't around him, and how pissed I'd get when I'd see him talking to girls or guys. I listened in again, seeing what other pieces of information I could pick up, while pretending to scroll through my phone.

"Build, just be honest with him. You did an incredibly hard thing today and see how well it turned out. Even if things don't stay perfect between you, that doesn't mean they won't last. Bible's dad and I have had plenty of ups and downs and here we are 30 years later and still happy. It takes work, but I know if you both try you'll see how rewarding it can be."

I didn't hear what Build's response with I just glanced over there quickly and saw the two of them hugging. A small smile formed on my lips and I finally finished up with my phone and got up to walk over to Praya and my dad. They both turned to look at me when I walked up. They each had the same expression, it was the expression someone wore when they knew things weren't going to go their way.

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