Part Ten

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Bible's POV - 3 Months Later

I'd fallen into a boring routine the last couple of months. It was always the same thing, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep. My dad had wasted no time putting me right to work, Build had gone back to work and was spending his other free time with Pai or my mother planning our wedding, most of the time he'd take Pai with him, two birds one stone kind of ordeal. I felt like we'd barely gotten to spend any time together. He'd also been moody lately. It seemed like when we were together I was always hurting his feelings, or upsetting him. Then he'd be happy and all lovey dovey. It was starting to get irritating but I didn't want to say anything and upset him so most of the time I just let it go. One particular day I got a call from him saying he'd started getting sick and was going to head to the doctor, it had been going on for about a week now and he asked me to meet him there. I let my dad know I was going to be leaving early, but I'd make it up and rushed to meet Build at the doctor's. He was waiting for me at the entrance when I walked up and we headed in together. The doctor was a family friend of Mile's so he took us back pretty quickly. They went through a whole routine, they checked every part of his body trying to figure out what could have been causing him to get sick. The nurse finally stepped out and after about 15 minutes the doctor came in. He looked at Build's chart and then up at him and had a concerned expression on his face. I couldn't take the suspense so I just blurted out to him.

"What? What's wrong with him? Whatever it is, well take care of it. Money is no object. I'll sell my organs to pay for it."

"Whoa, who said anything was wrong, I'm just a little confused with what I'm seeing."

"Confused...what about?" Build quickly clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Darling if you don't hush he can't tell us. Now please Dr. Nodt continue."

"Well, I'm looking at your results and I want to ask if this is going to be your first baby?"

Build and I looked at him at the same time and said in unison, "BABY?"

"Yes, baby. It appears you're pregnant, that's why you've been getting sick. I'd say about 8-10 weeks judging by your symptoms. So I'll ask again, is this going to be your first?"

Build and I exchanged looks, neither of us able to form words at the moment. Pregnant? I knew it was possible but I didn't think it happen so soon, I smiled as I thought about that night a few months ago when we'd first gotten together. I wonder if that was when it happened. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't heard Build calling me.

"Bible? Bibs?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry. No," I grabbed Build's hand, "this will be our second."

Build squeezed may hand and nodded his head to the doctor. "My first pregnancy ended tragically, this will be the second pregnancy for me."

"I'm sorry to hear that, well I will do everything I can to make sure this pregnancy results doesn't end that way and I can tell by the look on your husbands face he feels the same way."

"Oh we're not married yet."

"Well if you're planning on it, I'd make it soon, you know how people can talk."

"We're actually in the middle of planning it, we get married in just a few weeks actually."

I sat back and watched the two of them. Holy shit, I was going to be a dad. I had only ever dreamed something like this would happen, I didn't think it was going to be a possibility, at least not with who I had wanted to be the mother. I held Build's hand the entire time, watching his facial expressions constantly changing. The doctor gave him instructions about things and foods to avoid, how exercise was good for the baby so he could continue with his regiment until the later months and then he'd have to back off a little, he made sure to tell me to be patient with him, he was going to go through a lot of changes and there would be times when his moods, demands and wants would seem irrational but I just needed to try and accommodate him as best as I could. I couldn't help but laugh at that but one look from Build had me nodding and agreeing with the doctor.

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