Part Seven

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Build's POV

What the fuck just happened? I hadn't expected for Praya to know who I was, let alone give me a bouquet of roses. Red roses at that. Why would she give me a flower that symbolizes love? All these questions were running through my head that I was only half paying attention to where I was going and ended up running right into Bible's back. He turned and steadied me, but was quick to let me go and continue heading towards the dining room. Great job Build, isn't falling once enough. I was instructed by his mom to sit on her right and she sat Bible on her left, Praya beside him, Mile beside her, Bible's dad was at the other end, with Apo beside him and Pai between me and Apo. Dinner started of great, we were all silent while we ate until Pai decided to start being naughty and kept trying to tell Bible's dad that he wasn't eating correctly and proceeded to instruct him on how to properly hold his instruments. We all stayed silent while they went back and forth arguing until I couldn't control my laughter and busted out. Bible looked at me first and followed quickly with the other's following suite. Pai was so confused about what was so funny that he then started yelling at me about being respectful and not laughing at people.

"Not nice, Unc Pe."

"I'm sorry," I said between laughs. "I'm not laughing at you baby, I'm laughing at Bibs pa."

"I thought you didn't like people calling you that?" Praya said to Bible suddenly.

Crap, started an argument already. I gave Bible an apologetic look and he just shook his head.

"I do, but Bui's been calling me that since we were kids, he's always allowed to call me that, I just don't like for other people to call me that."

"I'm sorry Praya, old habits die hard. I'll be better about calling him Bible in front of me, we're not close like we used to be, we're both different people. You're the most important person in his life." I offered her a warm and genuine smile but was met with a fake one in return.

"No, its okay. You've known each other a long time, I'm the outsider. You can call him whatever you'd like."

Apo cleared his throat and changed the subject, asking Bible what he'd been up to, if he was going to be buying his own house, when was he going to start working. They chatted between the two of them for a while, the rest of us chiming in occasionally. I'd already heard a lot of it on the ride here so I just sat back and let me my wonder. I was taking a swig of water when Apo asked the once question I wasn't expecting.

"So are you two planning on getting married?"

I spewed my water all over Bible. Showering his face, neck, shirt and jacket. I immediately stood up and rushed over to him, choking the whole time, but wanting to make sure he was okay. I grabbed the closest napkin to me and started patting him, apologizing profusely.

"Bibs, I'm so sorry. I don't know what that surprised me, I guess I was caught up in my thoughts." He grabbed my hand gently stopping me, I looked up and got mesmerized in his gaze.

"Its okay, it's just water." His thumb was rubbing the back side of my hand. I'd gotten so caught up in the two of us that when I realized we weren't alone I quickly stood up and walked back over to my sit, I knew I was blushing and covered my face in my hands. The whole table had gone silent and I could feel Praya's eyes on me. A few hours later, I stepped into Bible's old bedroom to escape from everyone for a moment and to take the deep breath I'd been holding in. Only a few minutes had passed by and I shoved myself away from the door and started walking around his room, it had been almost 3 years to the date since I'd last been in here. I started smiling while I remembered that night. I ran my fingers over his bed sheets and made my way to his balcony doors. I opened them both at the same time and stepped out on to it. I started remembering that night and how it had felt when he'd kissed me.

Bible x BuildOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant