
He straightened himself up suddenly, grabbed me in his arms, and crushed his lips against mine. I wanted to resist at first, but instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and started moaning against his lips. He lifted me up and set me on the railing, pushing himself in between my legs and getting as close as he could to me. He gently whispered against my lips.

"Do you think you're dreaming?"

I spoke against his lips. "No this time I know it's real. I want this last night of ours to be the most memorable. Make me yours, even if it's just for tonight."

We crushed our lips back together, he picked me up and led me to his bed. He gently laid me back, opened his nightstand drawer and pulled out everything. He'd barely set everything down when I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of me. We were a mess of arms, hands, legs and feet, removing each other's clothes, places kisses on every surface of skin we could come into contact with. He suddenly stopped and looked down at me.

"I know you don't want anything to do with me after this, but I just have one thing I need to tell you."

"Bible..." he placed my hand over my mouth.

"I just want to tell you that I love you. I love you Bui, and I always will."

**End of Flashback**

I was brought out of my thought by the sound of his bedroom door opening. I turned to see Bible standing there, his jacket in his arms and his shirt half unbuttoned. I smiled at him awkwardly and made way towards him to walk out.

"Sorry, I wasn't snooping or anything, I just needed a minute to myself."

He continued to look at me as I was walking towards him, when he grabbed me suddenly and pushed my back against his door. He had thrown his jacket down and had one of my hands pinned while the other was behind my head blocking it from slamming against the door.

"Why do you always do this to me Bui? Why can't I ever forget about you?"

"I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about, I'm not doing anything to you."

He gave me a soft smile and leaned it and placed his forehead against mine. "Bui, I was perfectly happy and content until earlier today. I was going to introduce her to my parents, I was even thinking about marrying her, but then one look at you and all of that goes away. You have me so confused and messed up in my head. You bring up old feelings and new feelings all at the same time. Why can't you just let go of me, why can't I just let you go?"

I could tell that he was a little drunk and that was where most of this was coming from so I just let him continue to hold me there and get it out of his system, I knew Bible would never hurt me physically. He finally pulled back and looked at me. He let go of my hand and started stroking my face and neck. "Nothing will ever change how I feel about you Bui, you will always be who I love."

I shoved him away from me at that. "Bible, get your shit together, we haven't spoken in years, you come home, see me and start confessing your love to me, your girlfriend is downstairs. Act like a respectable human being and get it together."

He started chuckling and pulled back from me, "It never did matter how I said it or showed it, you never did believe me when I'd tell you how I felt. Some things never change. Makes me wonder about something though."

"Oh for fuck's sake. What does it make you wonder about?" I was angrier than I wanted to be, but I couldn't handle all the feelings I was trying to process.

"I overheard something and I feel like you are the best person to explain to me to help me understand what I heard."

Shit, did he hear me and his mom talking, he'd always had great hearing but I hadn't heard him or anyone else come near the kitchen so I thought we were safe.

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