
The two couples had been skiing all morning and were currently standing in front of a huge map of the slopes, trying to figure out a way to get Jungkook down.

"Just take the red all the way down, then the blue one then the green" Yoongi said.

"No, babe, that's not a blue one, that's a black one and it doesn't take you to the green one. See" Jimin pointed to the slope on the map.

"Oh, so many years and I still can't read those maps" Yoongi joked.

"Here, Jungkook. I think you can take those two blue ones then you take the three green ones and you'll be there"

"Alright, sucks I have to work"

 Taehyung saw Jungkook pouting and wrapped his arm around him.

"I'll come get you as soon as you finish, how does that sound?"

"Sounds better"

 Taehyung felt Jungkook peck his lips before watching him wave goodbye and go down the slope.

"You two seem to be doing good" Jimin pointed out.

"We are, I'm really liking how things have been going if I'm being honest"

"Good for you, man" Yoongi looked at Jimin who blushed and went to stand closer to him.

"So what should we do?"

"How about we take the lift and go to the terrasse, we can eat and relax before we keep going"

"Sold, let's go"

Everyone followed Taehyung to the lifts and in no time the boys were sitting down in front of some food and drinks.

There were many skiers around them, some were groups of friends others were family and every now and then a group of teenagers would pass by with loud speakers, preventing people from hearing themselves think from how loud they blasted their music.

Their group of three had already finished eating and were now putting their jackets back on and going to get their skis, or in Jimin's case, Yoongi had gone to get them for him.

"So, any plans for your upcoming birthday?"

"Nothing so far, Jungkook loves birthdays so much I think he's noticed my lack of enthusiasm for them"

Taehyung loved his birthday growing up, receiving presents twice in the same month was amazing but after ten years of having either Christmas themed parties or blowing his candle during a New Year's party, the brunette had stopped reminding people his birthday was coming up and rather enjoyed a fancy meal with which ever friend had remembered too late to plan something.

The two friends came back with their skis and soon after, they were all sliding down the slopes on their way back to the resort.


Taehyung had just finished getting changed when he ran down the stairs, all the way to the restaurant to be there just in time for when his boyfriend's shift ended. He saw the small waist and long, black hair and went to wrap his arms around Jungkook, kissing his neck and resting his head there.

"Hey, you" Jungkook let his head gently rest against his boyfriend's and closed his eyes with a smile.

"How was work?"

"It went fine, Jun gave me and Siyeon free drinks today"

"Not fair, I never get those" Taehyung stepped back and looked at Jun who was still behind his bar but hadn't heard anything.

"You ready to go?" Jungkook asked instead.

"Let's go"

Taehyung grabbed his boyfriend's hand and walked him all the way to his room, when he opened the door all of his friends were sitting either on the couch or on the floor where he used to have a coffee table.

"What's this??" Even though he didn't understand what was going on, he still broke into a smile and looked at his boyfriend with a questioning eye.

"It's your birthday party" Jungkook laughed. "I know you haven't had a real, non-holliday related party for years, so here, a real birthday part to celebrate you and only you" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's cheek and closed the door.

"Yoohyeon bought the chocolate cake, Minji and Bora brought lots of games so you can choose one and we have to play, Hoseok has the champagne and Gahyeon, Dami, Wow and Jimin managed to get the night off to join us, unlike Yoongi, Chan and Siyeon"

It was the first time for Taehyung to celebrate his birthday more than a week beforehand, but he had to admit he was thrilled to be having a night dedicated only to him. The candles were quickly blown and the cake unevenly distributed between everyone present because as Hoseok put it: if they're not here, they don't get cake.

Out of all the games his friend had brought, they ended up playing the telephone games for most of the night with a few twinks that were gradually added as the night and the alcohol increased. At Taehyung's request, they watched a scary movie that had most of them bundled close together on the floor in front of the TV, Jungkook scooched closer to Taehyung and cursed him for choosing such a movie to watch at night.

It wasn't until midnight when the movie was over that everyone gathered to clean the room and put away all the trash and food, putting everything back in place and helping Jungkook gathering all the earphones they used for the game.

One by one everyone left. Taehyung took a quick look around, everything was back in place and in the corner of the room stood a neat pile of presents.

"I'm beat, let's go to bed?" Jungkook asked from across the room.

"Thank you for this, it made me very happy" Taehyung ran his hand through Jungkook's black locks and watched him close his eyes and moan.

"I'm so tired I can't even appreciate your compliments"

"Sorry, let's go to bed" Taehyung swooped Jungkook into his arm, making the boy yelp and hang on.

In a fit of giggle, Taehyung let Jungkook down on the bed, placing himself on top of him. After briefly analyzing the smile that stretched across his face, he bent down and captured his lips.

Taehyung felt Jungkook kiss back and rub his foot up his leg, his hands going to play in his hair, but Taehyung knew the younger was tired so he quickly broke the kiss and the two boys got ready for bed quickly before going to sleep. 

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