The Phone Call

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Boden stepped out of his office to come and meet me.

"Hey, why are you guys so late?" He asked but Gallo shushed him.

I looked at his face as he looked down at Cassie. He had the same look of shock on his face when they had first met.

"Gallo, can you set her up in my bunk room and just sit with her? I'll be back in a minute." I asked him.

"Of course. She's safe with me Severide."


"I know you recognise her." I said as I walked into Boden's office and took a seat.

"Remember that car-"

"I know, Chief. It's hard to look her in the face and not tell her the truth. It hurts but it's not our place."

"I know. Why is she here?"

"She fell off her skateboard in the park after she had been drinking."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired. She's sleeping in my bunk room."

"I saw her yesterday. I had to sign her out of the hospital. She was saying something about Jay and was arguing with Will. Her parents aren't here. They are in Spain."

"I know. She told me about her parents. How does she know Jay?"

"Not sure but she didn't want Will to contact him. We shouldn't either. If she doesn't want help, we can't force her." Said Boden as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

I slept on one of the spare beds and Cassie slept in my room.

When I woke up in the morning, she was gone but she had left her bag behind. I looked through it to hopefully find her address but all I found was an envelope. I opened it to see a newspaper about the accident. A very old copy considering we got it out of the papers as soon as it was put up. This is why she wanted her bag. She hasn't even opened it and I highly doubt she remembers getting it.

"Where's Cassie?" Asked Gallo.

"She's gone." I said.

"She left?"

"I caught her in the early hours with her skateboard. I dropped her home." Said Boden.

"Did you tell her anything?"

"No. It was a quiet drive. She just wanted to go home."

"Her parent's are in Spain. They've left her for the holidays." Said Gallo, pointing it out again.

"What?" Said Brett as she came around the corner.

"Yep. That's why I wanted her to stay."

"I'd leave it for a bit. I don't think she wants to be bothered."

"Okay." I said and walked off to my office.

I want to help her, I do but it's hard when she won't accept that people are here for her. She pushed me away and pushed Trudy away. If she doesn't want help, I can't push her.

*Cassie's Pov*

When I got home, I fell asleep on the couch and in the morning, I grabbed some water and painkillers.

I sat on the kitchen floor as I cried my eyes out. Why does everyone always leave?

I wanted answers so I searched through my phone until I found Wendy's contact. I pressed her contact and took a deep breath before I pressed call.

My head was against the cupboards as I held my phone in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

I waited for someone to pick up but no one did so I kept ringing until someone would. Ten missed phone calls later and someone finally picks up.

"Hey, Cassie, sorry we were busy."

"You and Steve are the world's shittiest people I have ever met. And trust me, I've met a lot of shitty people but you guys are by far the worst."

"C'mon Cass, don't be like that."

"If you didn't want me, then why did you choose me? Why put me through years of pain and rejection if you didn't even want me?"

"Someone had to stay for the wall fixer."

"The plasterer could've waited. It's your fault it happened anyway."

"You tripped, remember?"

"No. I'm done feeding all the bullshit lies. I was late because you guys are too lazy to help your own children. I'm your child! Not your servant!"

"Don't be like that."

"Tell me what happened to them."

"You're too hysterical."

"That's because the people who said they would protect me from the dark corners of the world and be by my side till the end have just left me at home while they took the other two on holiday."

"I thought you knew."

"Wow. More lies."

"No, I'm serious. I thought you were so excited about us going on holiday and you having the house to yourself."

"No. Don't lie to me. You knew I wanted to go on this holiday. That was why you always discussed it around me."

"We're sorry."

"No. You're not. I started to think that no matter what you did, I would always forgive you because I was worried that you would give me back. You told me one day that if I was ever annoyed with you, I was to tell you and you promised you would never get rid of me because you loved me. But now, I really wish that you had given me back because you have made me so miserable."

"Is your rant finished?"

"Screw you, Wendy."

"We love you. We do. But we needed a break from all the drama. To relax."

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have left. You would let me call you mom and dad and you would treat me like your own."

"We really are sorry."

"I've never caused you stress. Yeah, maybe it was wrong of me to leave the house when you told me not to but I was back by curfew and I wasn't in handcuffs. I think you're forgetting that James has been in three fights in the last week and Harriet has been swearing."

"The swear words are from you."

"If you actually listened to your kids, you would know that it was from Chrissy, her new friend at school. I don't teach them swear words."

"We do listen."

"To them? Yeah. To me? No. You have never cared about me."

"You started acting out."

"Acting out?"

"You nearly got yourself killed the other week on that skateboard."

"That was stupid of me, I know that and I have apologised multiple times."

"We have to go."

"Before you go. If you could give me back, would you?"

"Yes because we don't want such a headache."

"Thanks. I'll stay out of your way."

"Have a good day."

I ended the call and chucked my phone at the fridge. It hit the floor with a very loud thud. There goes my phone. I walked over and picked it up to see a small crack but nothing major.

I opened all the cupboards and smashed most of the plates as well as the glasses. Whoever said rage rooms were a great idea, were right, it feels so good.

I sat down on the floor again and cried my eyes out. I tried to keep my tears and sobs in but they just came out louder and it hurt more.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I threw more glasses. My knees hit the floor and I bent over as I sobbed, clutching at my chest.

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