14: Eat at a 5☆ restaurant

Start from the beginning

"Today, you really are a real princess." He said with a chuckle. I snickered shortly at his joke.

"Let's order." I said, searching for a waiter.

"Woah, let's look at the menu first." Jungkook said. The feeling of being out of place led me to being hasty. Jungkook opening the menu card in front of him and searched for something delicious to eat.

I did too, but nothing seemed appealing. I hadn't had much of an appetite lately and tonight was no different. It may seem snobby to say that I'd rather eat ramen or nothing at all, when I was at a restaurant that some people only wished to be able to afford to go to. But that was how it was.

"Hell these meals are expensive." Jungkook bursted. I quickly shushed him, looking around to see if anyone heard.

"Jungkook you can't speak like that here!" I said.

"What why? Because we're surrounded by fancy people?" He perked his brow at me. I simply nodded, still cautiously looking around.

"Y/n I bet some of these people are just as normal as us."

I rolled my eyes and pouted at his teasing voice. Why tease me just because I was responsible and conscious of our surroundings.

When Jungkook finished picking one of the cheapest meals, but still an appealing one, we called for the waiter and ordered. It didn't feel like too long until the food arrived. Actually I would say Jungkook and I didn't even get to finish one conversation before the plates were placed in front of us, filling our noses with all sorts of scents.

I watched smilingly as Jungkook ate the food with his eyes, adoring it as if it was the most precious meal ever. If life was a cartoon I could've sworn he would be drooling and licking his lips right now. The thought even stroke me that he must love food more than me - maybe even more than his own mother.

Jungkook didn't even look at me before setting his teeth in the food, humming and praising the taste. Every now and then he checked on me, telling me how good his dish was and asking if I wanted to try and if he could try mine.

I ate slowly, not really feeling like eating the whole dish. It smelled nice, but it wasn't really appealing to me. The feeling of the food going down my gullet and to my stomach was strangely unsettling.

I suddenly felt like vomiting after some time spent looking at the food and only taking two bites

"I have to go to the toilet real quick." I excused myself to Jungkook. I heard Jungkook say something, but I didn't listen as I was already on my way away from the table.

When I reached the toilet I started feeling dizzy and immediately locked myself into one of the stalls. I sat down on my knees in front of the toilet, waiting for my body to react and vomit. But nothing came up. I instead, sat down on my butt, leaning against the door to the toilet.

I sat for a few minutes, thinking about the situation. I shouldn't be out there when Jungkook was waiting for me at the table. I shouldn't ruin the evening my parents had paid so much for. I shouldn't waste the yummy food I had craved since writing it on my to-do list.

The nausea wasn't gone, but I didn't feel like vomiting. It felt like something was blocking my throat. I grabbed my throat and pressed it slightly when I started coughing. The power of the coughs made me stand up for it to not hurt as bad as when my stomach was all scrunched. I straightened my back and tried to pull up my chin to straighten my throat that felt tightened and started hurting.

I started to clench my teeth together and sealed my lips to keep in the coughs while I took a look at my hand that felt slightly wet after I had coughed.

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