Chapter 1:Super Sentai In The World Of My Hero Academia

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It was just normal afternoon at school. A student name Y/N and was walking though the hallway.

Y/N: Man... what a day.

He Kept on walking though the hallway, but suddenly portal came out of nowhere.

Y/N:(Shock) What th-

Y/N was cut off with a portal sucking him toward the portal and had successfully teleported him inside and the portal disappeared.

[Gekiranger Opening]

[In the portal]


They continue to fall until another portal opened an exit and they fell thought it. He bumped his head in alley.

Y/N:Ow.... My head.

He stood up and looked around.

Y/N:What is this place?

???:This is japan.

Y/N: Who said that!

Y/N see the man in a shadow.

Y/N: Show Yourself.

The man walk out from the shadow which it was red suit with 45 symbol, AKARED.

The man walk out from the shadow which it was red suit with 45 symbol, AKARED

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[There wasn't 45 edit of akared so pretend that there 45 symbol]

Y/N:Who are you.

AKARED:I am akared the embodiment of all prior red warriors of the super sentai.

Y/N:What is a super sentai?

AKARED:Super sentai the protagonists are a team of people who transform into superheroes and gain superpowers color coded uniforms, signature weapons, sidearms, and fighting skills is to battle a group of villains that threaten to take over the earth, and you well be possessed the power of the super sentai it your destiny to save the earth.

Y/N:(surprised)Woah really.

AKARED:But you have to give a secret.


AKARED:If you tell this secret the whole universe 'will collapse.

Y/N was shock if he tell the secret. 

AKARED:So are you willing to keep it as safe.

Y/N:At longest it don't collapsed i accepted.

AKARED:very wise, i must go.

Y/N:WAIT, What is my name, and how do i transform.

AKARED stoped and say.

AKARED: Your name is Y/N, and i add history of super sentai in your mind say the names so you can transformed.

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