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Rihanna pov

Next morning I woke up pretty early because i felt something warm around my waist.

When I opened my eyes I noticed it was Marshalls arm.

That was when I remembered what happened last night but it didnt feel weird at all.

I liked waking up next to him. I really did. But i needed to get up. I don't know why but as soon as I wake up i need to do something. I hate staying in bed. Dont ask me why.

But as soon as I tried to wiggle put of Marshalls grip he quickly pulled me back against him and tightened his arms around my waist.

"Marshall", I said softly.

"Please", I heard him say in a sleepy voice behind me. "A little bit more..."

"Oh Marshall", i chuckled and slowly turned around so I was facing him.

His eyes were still closed and i cant describe how cute he looked. His hair looked pretty funny and if it wasnt for the beard he would look like a little baby.

So I couldnt help but give him a kiss on his cute nose.

"Good morning my sleeping beauty", I chuckled.

"Nooo...cmon please let me sleep a bit longer...", he groaned and pulled me even closer.

"Alright", I sighted.

But after a time I got relaly bored so i started to draw little circles over his belly and chest.

"Rih. Dont", I heard him say which made me grin.

But i didnt stop.

"Because if you dont stop now, I might have to fuck you. Like really bad. And that wouldnt be that clever becuse Paul sleeps litterely next door and he hears everything", he said.

"Oh so you might have to fuck me then?", I mocked him.

"Yes", he exhaled when I started to leave some sloppy kisses on the corner of his mouth, his jaw line and his neck.

"And what if I say I can be pretty quiet as well?", I asked seductively and teasingly let my hand wander even lower.

"Oh Rih", Marshall let out a soft moan into my ear. "Fuck."

"Should I stop?", i asked.

But Marshall just shook his head when I started to stroke over his pants, right over his already hard dick.

"So you're enjoying it...", smiled and looked at his face. Eyes closed, mouth slightly open, letting out shaky breathes.

I was about to kiss his neck again when my phone suddenly started to ring.

"Oh I'm so sorry", I teased. "Seems like we have to continue this another day."

"Rih, you cant be serious right now", he groaned, grabbing my hand, continuing rubbing it over his dick.

But i just freed my hand out of his grib and got up.

"Hello", I answered the phone.

"Hey Rih." It was Jenn. "Listen, I'm sorry but can I come over to your room real quick? I need to talk to you about the photoshooting with Marshall tomorrow, okay?"

"Right now?", i asked her a bit annoyed.

"Yes. Sorry Rih, but they wanna have an answer in the next hour and i also need to talk to Paul so...please?"

"Uhm...y-yeah", I stumbled. "Just give me five minutes, okay?"

"Alright", she said and we hung up.

"Urghhh", I groaned.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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