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Rihanna pov

I woke up the next morning because my phone was ringing.

"Hello?", I asked in a raspy voice.

"Oh thank god", I heard jenn on the other side. "Rih, have you seen Marshall? He wouldnt answer the phone and he isnt in his room. I havent seen Paul that worried before and..."

I just wanted to say that I didnt know where he was because I had just woke up.

But then I suddenly heard shuffling on the small couch next to my bed...

I slowly turned around and I think my heart beat stopped for a second when I saw Marshall Mathers sleeping peacefully on my couch.

Oh my...

"Uhm Jenn listen...", I mumbled. "Marshall is here...he kinda fell asleep."

Yes, I was embarrassed. Very embarrassed if I'm being honest.

"Are you kidding me?", Jenn asked upset. "Why would he even be in your room right now?!"

She sounded pretty upset.

"We kinda talked yesterday night...and fell asleep", I mumbled. I don't know why it was such a big deal. "Listen, I'm sorry...but hes alright. I'll wake him up now."

"But Rih", Jenn just added. "I hope he isnt laying in your bed right now."

Then she just hung up.

"Shit", I cursed and went over to the couch.

I softly shook his shoulders so he would wake up.

I think it was too late when I realized that I was only in my underwear and a oversized tshirt without a bra on because Marshall already opened his eyes.

He just grinned at me and suddenly pulled me onto the couch with him.

"Marshall", I just giggled. "What are you doing?"

"Good morning", he just mumbled in a sleepy voice. He actually looked really cute right now...

But before I could say anything else the door flew open and Paul stepped into the room.

He instantly looked at us as soon as he saw us together on the couch, Marshalls arms wrapped around my waist.

My shirt kinda had slit up a bit so Marshalls hand layed on my naked back. The rest of my body was just pressed up against his...So it definitly didnt look right.

It obviously looked like we were cuddling. Well...we kinda do cuddle...

"Aight", he sighted. "Marshall I need to talk to you. Now."

Oh oh.

I quickly wiggled out of his grib and went into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and changed into a light blue jeans and a white hoodie.

I just knew that Paul and Jenn are angry at us. And I mean I can understand it...but I just didnt wanna argue in the morning. That was why i stayed in the bathroom a bit longer.

But then Jenn suddenly knocked on the door. "Rih, I need to talk to you."

I just rolled my eyes and went outside.

"What the hell was that?!", Jenn asked upset. "You needed to get up early this morning. But instead we see you two cuddling on the couch."

I just rolled my eyes at her. "We wasnt cuddling", I just stated.

"Oh yeah", she said sarcastically. "Ill just pretend I havent seen you laying in his arms. Half naked."

"Okay what do you want?!", I asked offended.

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