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Rihanna pov

"We gotta go, Rih", Jenn, my assistant, called out after entering my dressing room.

"Yeah, I'm coming", I said and followed her.

I was in Detroit because today was the first official day of the tour. But its not just me...its a tour with Eminem.

Today was a rehearsal because we have our first show tomorrow here in Detroit.

I'm just super excited to see Marshall today because I havent seen him since our last Tour in 2013 which is almost 10 years ago.

I mean we had several phone calls to stay in touch and stuff but its still something different when you see someone in person after a long time.

Jenn guided me on stage. There were sound Ingenieurs running around everywhere and stuff and it was pretty hectic.

But I actually like rehearsals because you can just come in chill clothes 'cause no one cares. Right now I was just wearing a light blue baggy jeans, a white tshirt and some uggs. I just put my hair in a messy bun before someone handed me a mic.

"Thanks", I mumbled and started to secretly search for Marshall because I didn't want to make it so obvious that i missed him.

But then I saw him. He was talking to Denaun and didnt see me. So I just took him in for a moment.

He was now having a beard and his natural hair colour which made him look so different from the last time i saw him. But he looked good.

Then I just decided to walk over to them.

"Hey", I smiled and it honestly warmed my heart that he immediately smiled back when he saw me.

I was actually expecting a little hug or something but Marshall...

Marshall casually layed his arms around me but then suddenly picked me up and started to run around the stage with me in his arms.

I just wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall down.

"Marshall", I giggled. "This is so embarrassing!"

Everybody was looking at us laughing and I just shot them a helpless look which made them laugh even more.

But then he went into a quiet corner of the stage and let me down.

"What was that all about", I asked and noticed he still hadnt said a word.

"I just missed you", he then said and pulled me into a serious hug.

I closed my eyes for a short moment and then pulled away.

"I missed you too", I just said and looked up to him.

But it was suddenly very awkward because nobody was saying anything.

"O-okay. I think I'm gonna say hi to Denaun real quick", I mumbled and turned around after he nodded.


Rehearsing was funny af. Its exactly like last time we were on tour and Marshall is still the funniest person I know. He always makes me laugh.

Right now he was messing around with Paul (as always). The poor man...always getting provoked by Marshall.

I watched the two of them which made me laugh. I didnt understand what they were saying but it was funny anyways.

"Yo Rih!", Marshall yelled and told me I should come over to them.

So I walked over there and Marshall immediately layed an arm around my shoulder.

"Paul", Marshall said. "I am pretty sure Rihanna wants to do the Ice Bucket Challenge with me. Because it is a really cool challenge", he explained like a little kid and tightened his grip around me which made me fall against his body which made me laugh.

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