14 (Colby's POV)

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Me, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Scarlet and how scared she must be, and what they could possibly be doing to her.

All I knew was that we needed to get her back.


It's been a little and we finally got a call back from Mike, the cop. "What's going on brother?" I asked, anxiously. "We think we know where she is. We're heading there now. We just wanted to let you know." He said and I instantly brightened up.

"Where? I'm leaving now." I said as I stood up and went to grab my keys. Everyone was already here and upstairs watching the kids and doing whatever because I was missing her extra and they wanted to help with the kids, but also because we all wanted to be here for when she came back and because none of us wanted to be alone. "No, Colby. You stay there. We will handle it and we will bring her back home to you. I promise. You just gotta trust us, okay?" Mike asked and I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Fine." I mumbled and sat back down. "Just.. hurry up and keep her safe. Please." I begged. "I promise." He said and then hung up.

I sighed and closed my eyes and then sat back down on the couch. I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello? Mike? Do you have her?" I asked in one breath.

"Um... this is Chris. I work with Mike. I'm sorry to inform you, especially over the phone, but as he was trying to help your wife, he was shot by one of the men." He said and my heart dropped. "I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"I am too. He was a good guy and I know he helped your wife a lot. She's okay physically , by the way," he said, which sent a mix of relief and concern through me. "But mentally probably not, seeing as though she witnessed it. We had to evacuate because we didn't have enough guys, but we're going back for her with more officers and weapons as we speak." He said, making my heart break for her.

"I promise you, Mr. Brock. We will get your wife back and justice will be served." He promised and I nodded. "Good." I said and then the line ended. My phone had died. I realized that it looked really bad so I quickly ran to get my charger and called the number back.

I apologized and explained that my phone died and that by no means did I just hang up on him like that, and then we hung up and I texted the group chat what I had just found out.

I felt bad for Gus, Cay, Kat, and Tom since they were very close to him. But I feel worse for Scarlet because not only is she going through whatever she's going through over there, she also witnessed a murder; the murder of someone who meant a lot to her and helped her through something traumatic multiple times.

I scrubbed my face with my hands and sighed. I went upstairs and grabbed Rora and Grey before making my way to my room. I got them ready for bed and then we cuddled up in bed. "Daddy?" Rora asked. "Yes?" I replied.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I don't know why, but the question early sent tears to my eyes. I felt bad that even my kids were seeing that I was struggling with this. I need to be stronger for them. "I'm okay, sweetheart." I lied as I scratched the two of their backs to attempt to help them fall asleep faster.

"Is mommy coming home soon?" Grey asked softly and I nodded. "Soon my loves, very soon." I said and they both nodded before the two of them drifted off to sleep. I couldn't though.

I needed to stay awake in case she came home. And I'm glad I did.

At 6:45 in the morning, I saw red and blue lights flashing outside of the window. I carefully got out of bed and ran downstairs as fast as I could. I got to the door and whipped it open, seeing Scarlet getting out of a police car with the help of an officer.

My eyes watered as the biggest smile spread across my face. I stared at her for a second until she saw me. Her eyes instantly watered and I ran to her.

I carefully pulled her into my arms the second she was in my reach and she instantly started sobbing into my chest, making tears of my own start falling down my face and onto her neck, and we both wrapped our arms tighter and tighter around each other.

I didn't want to pull away, and I could tell that she didn't want me to either, but I had to make sure she was okay. I pulled away and wiped her tears, looking into her beautiful eyes that I had missed so much.

"Are you okay, love?" I asked and she shook her head, fresh tears brimming her eyes again, and I pulled her back into me.

After a few minutes, I pulled away again. "Let's go inside. You and I both need some rest." I said and she nodded. I looked at the cop and we both thanked him before going into the house.

"Everyone's asleep, but if you want, I can go wake them up." I suggested and she shook her head. "No, let them sleep." She said quietly and I nodded. Since she wanted to surprise everyone in the morning, we decided to go to the backyard and lay on one of the couches out there.

We both cuddled up with a blanket and watched the sun rise, knowing neither of us were gonna be able to sleep.

Insane 4 - The End // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now