9 (Tom's POV)

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Just as I sat down to relax, there was a knock at the door.


I sighed and got up to answer the door. Standing there was a very stressed Mike. He walked passed me, letting himself in, and walked into the living room.

"I need you to tell me everything and I mean everything." He said sternly and I nodded. "Okay um, so Scarlet is a medium as you know because you watch our videos." I said, causing us both to chuckle.

"And so she felt danger at that house we go to. She thought either the house was in danger or the spirits were so we went just to make sure everything was ok. The outside looked good so we decided to check the inside and split up to make it easier. I went with Gus and Scar and Cay went together. Gus and I heard Caleb yelling for us so we ran to them and he said Scarlet said the spirits from the house were telling her that we were in danger, meaning her dreams or whatever were warnings to stay away. It would've been nicer if her dreams or the spirits were clearer but whatever." I said and shook my head, getting back on track.

I was trying to say everything as fast yet as clear as possible so he could get the story and jump on her case instantly.

"Uh so we all ran out and Scarlet was last. Bad idea. We heard a deep voice that was clearly not hers so we turned and saw the door closing with her in it. Uh, we tried to get the door open but something was keeping it from opening so Cay went to find another way in and then we heard him scream so Gus left to go help him." I took a deep breath before continuing again.

"Her screams eventually stopped which concerned me but I kept going. The door finally broke down and I rushed inside to see nothing. I was about to run fully into the house and find her when I heard something from outside." I said and then stopped to take a deep breath.

"I ran back outside to see them halfway down the driveway running with her in their arms. Xavier and Peter, I mean. I yelled for help and then tried to run after them but they were too far ahead and too fast. They jumped in their van and left. They took Scarlet again. She's gone. And I don't know how we're gonna get her back." I said and sighed, lowering my head.

"We didn't have a car so we ran back to the house and called you guys as fast as we could." I finished and looked back up at him. He looked at me with sympathy and sadness. "Don't blame yourself. You tried and you did the right thing. We're gonna first go to both of the locations they previously had her and if she isn't there, we'll do a deeper search." He said and I nodded.

"One question though." He said and I nodded. "Scarlet trained those dogs good, right?" He asked and pointed to the sleeping dogs. I nodded and he nodded back. "We might use that to our advantage and use some of them to track her scent. As of right now, all of our dogs are either training or out doing jobs. It's been a tough week." He said and I nodded.

"I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem. Just make sure they're safe." I said and he nodded. "Of course. Im gonna go back and jump on the case. When is Colby coming back? I saw him and Sam were on a trip out of state." He said and I shrugged. "Gus got Kat duty, I got you duty and Cay got Colby duty." I said and his jaw dropped.

"You people let poor Caleb tell him? Wow." He said and shook his head as I chuckled. "Im just glad it wasn't me for either of the two. Have you met angry or frustrated or whatever Katrina?" I asked and we both laughed.

All of the sudden, I heard cries coming from the baby monitor that I had on the table next to me. "Im guessing you got kid duty too?" He asked and I nodded. "Alright, I'm gonna go hop on this case and let you handle that. I'll keep you guys posted." He said and I nodded. He walked himself out as I jogged up the stairs and went to go to the guest room.

As I was nearing it, I heard Aurora and Grey's cries as well.

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