long live the King"

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"Never, ever, ever doubt that I love you. Never question your worth, if you think you are not good enough for me, then no one is. Rhea, let me ask you, now."

The prince rose to his feet, his hands on her sides, his eye fixed on hers.

"Will you do me the great honour of making me your husband?" the Prince whispered in her ear, tracing her neck with soft kisses.

Rhea moaned softly under his touch.

"I will, my prince." She promised. "If it's the last thing I do."

A week had passed since the King died, and the people of Westeros still did not know, the King's body still in his bed, rotting away. The thought of it alone made Rhea's stomach wring with sick and her heart broke to think this is what had become to the great man King Viserys had been. Today was Aegon's coronation and the people of King's Landing had been ushered into the Dragonpit hurriedly. No one would tell them why but they were gathered in its halls and made to wait. Rhea, along with her sworn protector Ser Willard stood on the platform which had been raised in the centre of the Dragonpit. The knight stood in the back, while Rhea, all dressed in black, except for her chain-mail and dagger, stood next to her betrothed and his sister. Ser Criston Cole stood next to the princess, soon to become Queen. The colour of Rhea's dress was no coincidence, if she was made to witness Aegon's coronation, she would show her opposition to it which ever way she could. She knew people would tell tales of the ceremony, and she left no detail untended to. The people all stared at the royal family and every one of them cheered as the Queen took her place in the centre of the platform. Knights traced a path in the crowd and trumpets rang. The Guards raised their swords, forming an arch as Aegon made his way to the platform.

The whole Dragonpit was silent as the Hand, Aegon's grandsire, began to speak.

"People of King's Landing, it is with a heavy heart that I must tell you our King, Viserys, the first of his name, has died," the Hand paused for a dramatic effect.

Rhea wiped a tear from her eye quickly. Aemond had his hands in his back and looked at his grandsire. The crowd gasped sadly.

"But as he drew his last breath, he confessed in his wife, Queen Alicent, how he wished for his firstborn son to follow in his path and sit on the Iron Throne as your King." The Hand paused again, looking around confidently. "You are gathered here today to witness his Coronation."

Rhea's eyes fluttered and she fought back tears as the lump in her throat grew bigger. In an awe-inspiring, reverential moment, Queen Alicent crowned her son, pride in her eyes. Cheers erupted among the crowd as the people clapped for their new King. The Queen mother, who was wearing a crown herself, placed herself in front of her daughter, took off her crown and placed it on her daughter's silver-haired head. She kissed her cheeks lovingly and curtsied to her child, bowing her head in reverence, almost putting her knees on the ground. Her daughter, now Queen Helaena, helped her mother rise to her feet as she stood next to her husband, King Aegon II.

Rhea had to admit that, even if she had wished to see Rhaenyra being crowned Queen instead of Aegon, she was moved by the beauty of the ceremony and the Queen's obvious love for her family. As Aegon and his wife turned to face their family, Aemond bowed his head swiftly, almost unnoticeably as a sign he acknowledged his brother's institution as his King. Rhea drew a deep breath through her nose and bowed her head low, almost bending over, staying this way for a few seconds to show her love and loyalty to the newly crowned King and Queen.

"People of King's Landing, behold your new King, King Aegon, second of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm," Ser Criston proclaimed as cheers erupted louder than before throughout the Dragonpit.

Mere moments later, a loud crashing noise resonated as Meleys, ridden by her rider Princess Rhaenys emerged from the lower floors and shrieked louder than ever.

Aemond stood in front of Rhea, trying to shield her from the beast's breath and she clung to him, pulling him back so he would be out of harm's way too. Her hands held on tight to his arm as his other arm unsheathed his sword. Ser Criston urged Queen Helaena away from the Dragon and her rider, protecting his new Queen as the Queen Mother stepped in front of her son and King, Aegon. None of this of course would protect them from dragon fire, should Meleys get the order to breath it. Princess Rhaenys, who had been held captive for a week in the Red Keep, had escaped, and as Meleys shrieked louder and longer, she looked at the Greens defiantly. Rhea's heart pounded in her chest as she clung to her betrothed, their hair flowing in the warm air, they could barely keep their eyes open as the dragon's breath was too strong.

They waited for their death, waiting to hear the dreaded words from Rhaenys, but they never came and instead, she ordered her dragon to fly away, leaving the spectators and the royal family in shock.
Queen Alicent turned to her family, checking if everyone was safe and sound, and, as she met Rhea's worried gaze, she lowered her head knowingly. Both of them knew Rhaenys was flying towards Dragonstone to warn Rhaenyra. The Blacks were coming for them.

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