Chapter 35: Where Do We Go From Here?

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"HAHAHA! This is rich! That's my stupid brother for ya!"

Lyra hunched over and gripped her sides as she let a bellowing laugh escape. Meanwhile, Stella's face grew pale and she turned to face Sonya.

"Sonya... This Friday is Valentine's Day."

The end of the sentence repeated itself in Sonya's head as her eyes widened slowly in shock.


Sonya flailed her arms before bringing her fingers to her temples to calm herself. Finally recovering, Lyra shook her head and inquired with a grin.

"How could you forget? Haven't you been walking home with us because Ken is helping Lucas with the garden club's flower grams?"

"What does planting flowers have to do with this?!"

Snapping back at the questions, Sonya couldn't hide a grimace towards Lyra's lofty attitude. However, Stella quickly interjected to defuse the situation.

"Flower grams are Valentine's that you can pay to have delivered anonymously. They've had posters up for weeks."

Freezing in place, Sonya vaguely recalled seeing such a thing.

"Maybe I was a little distracted lately... But, wait! Does that mean that he knew it was Valentine's Day and didn't say anything..."

She knew that Ken would never maliciously ignore her. Yet, as she drew a conclusion, Lyra arrived at the same one.

"If I had to bet, I'd say that he is as dense as you."

"Lyra, you shouldn't say mean things about her boyfriend."

Stella tugged on Lyra's arm as she lightly berated her. Remaining silent, Sonya stared into the distance as Lyra fired off a rebuttal.

"That 'boyfriend' is my brother. Siblings get dibs on insults-"

"What are we going to do?! I have to go right now!"

Interrupting with a shout, Sonya wasted no time in bursting into a sprint toward the train station as her friends watched.

"There's the reaction I was waiting for. Maybe school isn't so bad after all..."

"Good luck, Sonya."

And so, with Lyra's half joke and Stella's hopeful prayer, Sonya dashed off to plan an impromptu Valentine's Day.

Easier said than done. Sonya paced in her room while periodically letting strained sighs fill the air. This had gone on for about an hour and she was nearing the end of her rope.

"That idiot! How could he forget?! Am I supposed to think of everything?!"

Yelling into the empty room, she continued pacing while getting lost in her thoughts. It was apparent that Ken would be no help and after not getting to present him with her maid outfit surprise last time, she felt challenged to try again.

"I guess it's up to me!"

Raising her fist in the air, she announced her decision to plan a perfect Valentine's Day for Ken. However, there was one large obstacle in her way.

"But, I have no idea what couples are supposed to do... Argh! This is stupid!"

"Sounds like you're having some trouble, Dear."

Spinning around in surprise, Sonya saw that Charlotte was standing in her doorway.

"Ahh! What! How long have you been there?"

"I don't think that really matters. With how loud you were groaning, I'm sure even Theo could hear you outside."

Taking a few steps into her daughter's room, Charlotte smiled softly at Sonya's clearly flustered expression.

This Girl Is A Delinquent!, Vol. 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें