Hadsaa Part 2 🌸

Start from the beginning

Dawud's hand clenched the side of his chair. "Go on."

Almas nodded, ducking her head. "I would barricade myself or you know, hide. Barely finished my BA before Dadi decided to sell me to this man named Nawab Jaffar. He had been married twice and had killed his second wife when she didn't give birth to a son. He was a known drunkard. I pleaded her not to, but she didn't really listen because of the money that was involved and the night of the baraat, I ran."

She looked at him, eyes shining with unshed tears. "I simply didn't want to die, Dawud. That's all."

He sucked in a breath, blinking as he straightened. "Right, well. I'll make sure that doesn't happen. When they find you, they'll deal with me. I'm a lawyer, and as you can see, pretty well off due to my family's business and prestige. Part of the reason I married you is due to a clause in my grandfather's will. In a way you can say we're both helping each other."

He looked at her puzzled expression. "If I didn't get married, my inheritance would transfer over to my cousins and their wicked mother, my aunt Sameena. Don't worry about them, they won't step foot in here. Nor will I let them. As for your duties as my wife, you need to make sure that everyone including the servants believe that we met and fell in love. My aunt is cunning, she can count the feather on a flying bird. Be vigilant." He got up, looking at her with something hidden in his eyes.

"As for my home, you can use it as you see fit. I mostly mind my own business, and you should mind your own but you are not restricted from anything. And of course, I don't mind you seeking me out and asking about anything. Clear?"

She nodded eagerly and he smiled. "Good. I like how you agree so easily, Almas. We'll get along just fine."

Almas noted how he didn't look at her for very long. "Do you want to join me for lunch? I'll head back to work then."

She stood up, following behind him, ignoring the panic that seemed to have stuck with her.


It often felt like a bell was waiting to be dropped onto her head, crushing her into the ground. In the three month since she had moved in with Dawud, her days would be free to do as she pleased. She often wandered into the expansive library, watched television, or used the phone he had bought her. More than often she'd cook or bake, making fast friends with Zohreh who was convinced that Dawud and Almas were a couple in love.

He'd come home from work and then disappear into his study for hours. She'd bring him tea, the first time he'd been shocked.

"I hope I'm not bothering you." She poked her head in through the door, and he looked up from his desk.

"No. Not at all. Come in."

Almas stepped inside, carrying the tray with mini lemon tart she'd baked alongside tea and two little plates. "I was thinking we'd have tea together."

Dawud took in the tray and the way she stood there expectantly, not daring to sit down. "You don't have to, Almas. I'm quite busy anyway."

She nodded. "Umm, I just thought it's weird because we don't see each other very much and it'll make our lie a bit more believable."

He seemed to think about, before nodding. "Sure, sit down."

She smiled and watched as his expression shifted, becoming warmer.

Almas sat in the chairs in front of his desk, cutting him a slice and handing it to him. He gave her an unreadable look and took a bite.

"You made this?"

"Yes." She nodded, pouring him his chai.

"It's very good. You're quite talented."

She smiled, taking a slice for herself. "Thank you."

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