Part 2

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This chapter will contain Pre-Hogwarts & First year! It is also split in two parts because it's hugeeee. 



Regulus POV;

When Regulus returned with Harry from Gringotts, he thought for a moment that everything had been a dream. Here he was, Lord Black , something that wouldn't have been his if Sirius had never left the family. Something he had yearned for in his younger years, and now... Well, he didn't actually want it.

He just wanted to raise Harry and ensure the boy was alright, that he knew he was loved. He owed it to James.

He did know that was a little pathetic. He had been in love with James since he was thirteen, and even a break-up and death couldn't stop his heart from yearning. He shook himself and looked down at the sleeping boy in his arms. He could already see the magic changing Harry.

A blood adoption is frowned upon in the Wizarding World, but not in Gringotts, not with the Goblins. The reason it is frowned upon is because blood is needed. Of course, it is called blood adoption, but mostly it is frowned upon because you will share your magic with someone, something most pureblood families don't want even to talk about, with them thinking Muggleborns are stealing their magic - a blood adoption is a sacrilege in their eyes.

The child that is adopted in such a way will be the Heir of the house. Some purebloods see it as line theft.

But they are ignorant. With the blood adoption, the child is protected by the house and the family magic. Something Regulus knew Harry would need in his life. The insurance that nobody can take him away without his consent.

The magic you give through a blood adoption changes the child's magic and appearance. Regulus is very curious about how it will change Harry.

Harry's magic alone is already strong, and now it will be mixed with the Ancient magic of the Black's.

He will be a force to be reckoned with.

According to the Goblins, it would take three days for the adoption to settle in Harry.

The first change is probably the most shocking.

When Harry walks into the kitchen the morning after the ritual rubbing his left eye while asking for some toast (as if Regulus would let him get away with only toast for breakfast), Regulus is shocked by the color of Harry's right eye.

His left is still the same emerald green as Evan's had been, but his right eye has changed to greyish blue. The color that most the Blacks have. Even Regulus has them.

Regulus swallows heavily.

''Harry, have you looked in the mirror this morning?''

Harry frowns up at him. ''Why would I?'' It's a perfectly reasonable question for a seven-year-old boy.

Regulus smiles and conjures a hand mirror for Harry to see for himself.

Harry frowns but accepts the mirror. He sits staring at his face for a few moments before looking frightfully at Regulus.

''My eyes are different colors,'' Harry states, and Regulus nods carefully, not understanding why Harry sounds scared. ''Now I am even more of a freak,'' Harry's eyes swim with tears, and Regulus wishes he had killed those asshole muggles again.

''Oh, no, sweetheart, no, you are not a freak,'' Regulus quickly says before kneeling in front of Harry. ''It's beautiful. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, understood?''

The Heir Potter-Blackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن