Chapter Three - Home Sweet Home

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I eventually find my house. I walk up the small path, and try the door. It's locked. I place down my bags and look for my keys. I tap myself down, listening out for them. Not there. I look into my pockets, feeling for them again. Not there either. I try and remember where I might've placed them, hoping I hadn't have dropped them.

I look around, unzipping my bags at this point, checking in each and every pocket, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

I stand there for a while, thinking of what to do, looking around, wondering if I should try asking my neighbours. I leave my bags behind, turning around and walking down the small path, but as I open my garden wooden gate, stepping out, I see him. Standing at the end of the road, staring right into my eyes. I look down. There in his hands, my keys are placed. The keychain wrapped right around his finger.

I freeze. Not dare look away, thoughts rushing through, all scattered inside my brain.

"Looking for this perhaps?" He decides to say, reaching his hand up, pointing the key towards me. I swallow, thinking of something to say. Nothing leaves my mouth. He starts walking towards me, aiming the keys at my face. He reaches my side of the road, and stands opposite the gate.
"Take it." he says. 

Sweating, I reach up, grabbing the keys from his hand.
"Thanks." I decide to say. I turn, walking back to my door, and turn to look back at him, placing the key into the keyhole. But he's gone. He once again disappeared. I look left, I look right, he's gone. Vanished into thin air, like some sort of living, see-able ghost.

I unlock the door, and step in, bringing my bags with me inside. I enter a small room, planned both out as a kitchen and living room. However it seemed colder inside than out. I walk towards the sofa, right in-front of the fireplace. Trying to figure out how to work the fire. Nothing.

I walk into the kitchen and check the fridge. It's completely empty, except a single apple, sitting straight in-front of me, right on the middle shelf. I pick it out, and bite into it. A sweet taste enters through my mouth, like no other apple. I open my eyes and stare into the apple, there I see a spider crawl out, and run under the counter. I drop the apple in shock, moving away, towards the stairs.

I slowly walk up the steep, small, wooden steps. There lays a room, with a wooden double bed, coming straight outwards from the window. It creaks, as I sit down onto it. I look around. There's one room left. The bathroom.

I get up, but outside my window he stands once again. Opposite the gate, exactly as he was, where I left him, as if he hadn't moved. I look at him, walking slowly towards the window, trying to stay out of sight. I peep out the window, but accidentally knock my lamp off. He looks up, and once again, I'm in his view.

Credits to for the picture used for the chapter.

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