Chapter 10

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AN: For those wondering, her second wish was to give her the same immortality as a freed genie, without having to be trapped in the lamp first.


It had been six months, and Fleur was inviting them to a wedding. Specifically hers, as she had been dating Bill on the side while working for Gringotts.

Acacia was giddy, as she was dressed up properly for the wedding (Fleur insisted they coordinate their outfits and they went on a shopping spree) and she was going with her own betrothed.

Jamil had, with the assistance of Sirius and the permission of the Sisterhood, gone to the bank and had a proper betrothal contract written up. He was old fashioned that way, and he absolutely refused to sleep with her until after the wedding.

The Sisterhood, rather than be offended by this, cooed at how gallant he was being because he was upfront about the entire thing and was mostly staying hands-off about their future wedding so long as he was permitted to wear something to his tastes.

Considering he favoured Gryffindor colour schemes and subdued outfits, that made coordinating things a lot easier.

Mrs. Weasley was understandably annoyed, but she was so happy about her eldest being married she ignored this. Regardless of how...Slytherin...Jamil was, he genuinely loved Acacia, and had set clear boundaries she approved of. Even if she was a bit surprised he was planning to take her last name, he was old fashioned enough that she could tentatively approve of him.

The wedding was gorgeous and giving her ideas.

"I still can't believe how things are going. I mean it's been insane at work with how many families have been scrambling to sort out the inheritance situation," said Bill over dinner.

"How so?" asked Acacia, mildly interested.

"Well for starters, a number of heads and heirs were wiped out in short order...people have been coming out of the woodwork to claim inheritances and even squibs are suddenly coming it," said Bill. "It's been a logistics nightmare as we've all been working overtime tracking down bloodlines and new heirs and walking them through the claiming process."

"Sounds like you've been busy. I hope the goblins are paying you overtime," said Acacia.

Bill grinned.

"How did you think we were able to afford this wedding? Fleur's parents paid for the bride's side of things, but thanks to all the hard work I've made enough money that we'll be updating the Burrow soon. New wards included."

"Sounds like you have fun," said Acacia.

"What about you dear? What are you planning to do once you've completed your NEWTs?" asked Molly.

"Jamil and I are planning to explore the world a bit and see what options are available for mastery," said Acacia. "Considering the headaches in England and the recent upheaval, it's a tad too dangerous to look closer to home for someone to teach me a field."

"You're not going to become an auror?" said Ron.

Acacia rolled her eyes.

"I only said that in front of the bitch to piss her off. Cleanign up after people is not my thing, and honestly it sounds dead boring. I'd rather see what the world has to offer first."

"I for one would like to track down where my sister is," said Jamil. "I haven't seen her in quite some time, but knowing her she's likely to pop out of the woodwork again once she hears I have a fiancé."

Nasira wasn't likely to leave that sort of rumour lying down. She would pop up if only to find out what was going on...especially after what happened with his ex.

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