Chapter 8

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Acacia had a solid plan on how to deal with Umbitch. She had gone over the wording of her wish over and over until she was satisfied. Now she just needed to set a trap so that she could see Umbitch suffer in front of her.

If Umbitch had blood quills, then she would need proof the woman was using them. That meant locating them and sending them to Madam Bones with a complaint.

At least, that was what she would tell her friends if they asked what the hell she was doing.

She hid her personal items in an area where she could retrieve them later should things go south...unlikely but still a possibility. It was someplace just outside the Hogwarts wards, but still within reach of the castle.

If she had to run, then she didn't want to be burdened by anything they could confiscate and use against her. Paranoia was her friend in matters like this.

She waited until after the major exams were over, as by that point everyone would be far more tired over the stress of exams being over and less concerned about what was going on in the teacher's office.

She wasn't going to do this at night, that was too suspicious. Umbridge was still overseeing the exams of the younger students as OWL's and NEWT's were done first to get them out of the way and give the older students a chance to relax.

The moment she felt the wards on her personal office go off, she made her way there. She had no one to back her up, but she was confident she could handle the intruder by herself. After all, there were plenty of trained adults around and the children were of no concern in her mind.

Seeing Potter in her office, her smirk widened to that of a shark. Finally, a reason to expel the wretched girl from the school!

She didn't notice the item in Potter's hands until it was far too late.

"I wish for all marked Death Eaters, their sympathisers and those who agree with Voldemort's doctrine to be stung by a Gympie Gympie plant in their sensitive areas," said Acacia in a clear, no nonsense tone.

Umbridge was confused at first...until smoke poured out of the lamp's opening and a demonic looking genie came out.

Skin as red as blood, a chiselled chest that spoke of power, pointed ears, a vicious looking goatee on his chin, and his nails looked like talons. He wore matching golden bangles on both wrists, and the very fact he appeared from the lamp was enough for her to know exactly what Potter had summoned.

The girl had somehow gotten her hands on an honest to Merlin genie.

Umbridge looked the girl dead in the eye as the genie prepared to grant her odd wish. The girl knew exactly what she was doing and had laid a trap so that she would see the effects personally. And she had fallen for it, hook, line and sinker.

"Your wish is my command, Mistress," the malevolent being all but purred, looking at Potter with an expression that Umbridge found hard to explain.

The moment he snapped his fingers, all Umbridge knew was pain. Her entire world erupted into the worst pain she had experienced in her entire life, and in areas that would inflict maximum suffering for the victim.

She could barely register the expression on Potter's face...there was a dark satisfaction on her face as she stared at her victim impassively.

"Just to let you know, I threw up a few silencing wards earlier. It'll probably take hours for them to find you, and the plant you were just stung by is known to last for months or even years. Have fun with your life, bitch," said Potter darkly.

She walked over the now screaming form of the toad bitch, opened the door and closed it quietly.

It would take them seven long, agonizing hours to find Dolores Umbridge, and by that point she had been dead for four. The pain was too much.

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