Chapter 9

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After the visit from Genie, Jafar sat Acacia down for a serious talk.

"As you know, genies are immortal and ageless. However something they don't talk about is that they are generally sexless," said Jafar.

She blinked.

"But you clearly have masculine features and demeanour. Even Genie gave off a distinct feeling that he was a male."

"Humans cannot have relations with genies. They aren't equipped for it, even if they do have the features to distinguish gender," said Jafar. He tried to find a good way to explain, before remembering their recent movie night. "Remember that movie where you nearly choked on popcorn because one of the angels bore a disturbing resemblance to your potions professor?"

"What about it?" she asked.

"Same issue, different origins," said Jafar.

Acacia took a second to register this, before her face turned bright red.

"Wait...are you telling me genies don't have reproductive organs?" she said, her voice nearly reaching a high pitch from shock.

"There's a reason our bottom halves become smoke when in our genie form," he said dryly.

Acacia's face was bright red, as she vividly remembered all the...girl talk...Fleur had subjected her to.

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Genie's parting comment before he dealt with that parasite. I have no idea if the situation is the same for freed genies, but those who are still bound cannot have matter how we might wish to," said Jafar.

Acacia would have replied, but her brain processed that last tidbit first.

"Wait...are your saying that you..." she said slowly, not daring to hope.

Rather than reply vocally, he kissed her.

"Until that final wish is made, I will stay by your side," he said.

Acacia didn't dare hope that maybe this was real. That her affections for him were being returned, even if they had no idea when they would be forced to leave each other.

"Finally! You two have been dancing around each other for ages now! It's about time you got a girlfriend!" squawked Iago.

Jafar shot him a dirty look for interrupting their moment. Acacia was blushing too hard to care.

"I know we can't do...that. But we can still cuddle, right?" she asked hopefully.

Jafar blinked before a smirk appeared on his face.

"As my mistress commands," he replied.

She glared at him, but her blush remained. Cuddling against Jafar was the best moment of her life.


Fleur had a knowing expression on her face.

"You want to know how to word one of your wishes so that you are not parted from your lover," she said.

Acacia blinked.

"Is it that obvious?"

"I knew from the moment I saw you two that it would likely come to this. I also know you have something to do with that utter mess in England at the moment. Well played, by the way." 

"I don't know what you're talking about, and if I did, then those bastards had it coming," said Acacia automatically.

"Oh I'm not upset...whatever you did has the fools taking themselves out and providing endless entertainment for everyone else. I particularly approve of the fact it took out that wretch hag of a woman," said Fleur with dark satisfaction.

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