"But I'm not London. You don't know who I am. I am a worker here to do housekeeping."

Harry laughs at her. "Well come on in, get to work." He puts her down and drags one of the suitcases in front of the door to keep it open. Harry walks over to the pram and gently caresses Sydney's face. He leans down and kisses her cheek, staring at her for a moment while she sleeps in her pram.

He then stands back up and moves over to me with open arms.

"How the fuck did you plan all of this so soon? Or were you coming all along?" He whispers into my ear. 

"It was super last minute. You know I wanted to come, but it was just so hard." I say into his chest as he holds me tightly. He smells like coconut. That clean, soapy scent after having a shower. "I couldn't miss your final shows. Even though we can only make it to this one, I'm happy we get to see one. We somehow made it work."

"I am so grateful you came. I love you so much. No wonder you weren't answering my calls."

"When you're thousands of feet in the air, you tend to lose reception."

"You had Wi-Fi though because you were active on WhatsApp."

"Yeah, but I didn't get your calls. I just had wifi network."

I remove my arms from around him so that he can move on to hug his sister, but he refuses to let go of me. "Just let me hold you for a moment longer. I still can't process that you guys are actually here."

I wrap my arms back around him and tilt my head upwards to kiss him.

"Alright, I'm just going to let myself and my niece into the room because I feel like I'm interrupting something here. Or shall I take the girls somewhere to give you some time together, rather than you making out in the hallway?"

Harry and I stop kissing and laugh at Gemma. I let go of him and eventually he embraces his sister.

"I seen you this morning, but hello again my favourite sister."

"I'm your only sister, little brother."

"But you're still my favourite."

Gemma rolls her eyes at Harry and pushes the pram into the room. I reach for the other suitcases and Harry stops me.

"I've got them. You go in and sit down, put your feet up. Have you girls eaten? I can order room service or we can go out to eat something."

"We just got McDonald's so we should be good for a while. Sydney will sleep for about another hour and I want London to have a little nap soon because she didn't sleep much on the plane."

"How was the flight? Especially with this little one." He picks up Sydney from the pram and cradles her in his arms for a moment, before placing her on the bed. He places pillows either side of her so that she doesn't roll off and then covers her with the thick, warm duvet covers. He kisses the top of her head before walking over to the wardrobe and slipping on a pair of shorts. Then he walks over to London who is gazing out the window.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes. That's the tower bridge, right?" London asks him.

Harry nods in response. "And can you see Big Ben right over there?"

"Over that side or this side?"

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