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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


"What are they..?" I trailed off as I watched these unknown semi-giant creatures harboring the area of Tilan Lake.

The moment we step on the dry soil of Tilan Lake we already know that something is wrong. Now, seeing these ugly giants destroying the peaceful lands makes me think of a lot of things. What are these creatures? They looked ugly, defected and they smelled like the literal rotting corpse. They reach 7 to 8 feet and have a monster-disordered face and body, their skin is black and blue like they're beaten into pulp all dry, fissured and cracked, carrying stone-like weapons formed into poleaxe, bat and a morning star weapon.

"They look.. "

'...hideous... malformed and smells nasty' we both grimaced in disgust.

"Yeah.. " I whispered.

We watched as they all moved in sync. Like they're a robot programmed to do and achieve a goal, and that is to destroy the livings of Tilan lake, or they're really up to destroying the lake itself. The semi-giant creature-like monsters are reaping the trees across the peaceful lake, growling and grunting each second like rabid dogs. Some were even eating the whole tree with its yellow razor-like teeth.

They seemed rabid, some were even fighting with each other, reaping each other like literal rabid animals on loose. I've never seen such creatures in my whole life, much more than these thousands of quantities. I've seen thousands of soldiers and the royals once when they were marching through the frozen lake of South for war and the numbers are really outrageous. Even my eyes couldn't reach the end of their march and these vile things in my sight may have reached half the numbers of it which is alarming.

Because they look like they're up to no good.

"What are we going to do, Lyla?" I whispered.

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