10. Scumbags of Society

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(POV: Juniper) - 4 years ago

"Run!" A bystander cries. "The admiral is here!"

They all run like an army of ants scrambling about in a closed box. Screaming, trampling, crying... the sounds of desperation bleed in. And with perfect timing, the sky darkens into an ebony tarp, blanketing the island and trapping us in the heat of our own delusions.

I feel the cold weight of his arm locked around my torso.

"Kal, let go," I hiss.

He does so immediately, blinking as if he'd forgotten. "...Sorry, sis."

Tal, however, is struggling against Kal's headlock. "You're gonna let all of this happen in front of your eyes, you coward?!"

"I'm not letting anything happen," Kal growls. "You have to trust Father. And Mom."

"Of course I do!" I snap.

"Then why can't you just stay put?!"

"It's not about protecting Mom!" Tal cries. "It's about justice. It's about what's right. Why are we facing the consequences of going against the world's most corrupt beings?! All Celestial Dragons should be eradica-"

"Shut up!" Kal snaps.

A tall, built figure strolls onto the dock of the West Port. He has a fat cigar lodged in that smug grin of his and a clean white suit fit cleanly from top to bottom. The fancy coat draped over his shoulders has the word "justice" printed on its back.

"Akainu," I whisper.

"Shit. He's the worst of them all," Tal says.

"You said a woman attacked this Celestial Dragon?" He asks a bodyguard. "And what the hell were you guys doing?"

"Sh-she was too fast," he stutters in response. "She ran away. Over there."

He points down the street.

The admiral grunts. "And her name?"

A Navy soldier runs up to him and salutes. "Her name is Driscolgrov Akina. The bounty hunter."

"I believe I've heard of them before," Akainu says. "Bounty hunters are disgusting vermin. They work for money, not justice."

I feel every vein in my neck bulge. "Oh, I'll show you what justice-"

"Shhhh!" Kal presses a shaking hand to his lips.

"Look," he whispers. "Let him go. We follow him and watch. If he gets the upper hand in the fight, we'll come in to help okay? If not, we're leaving."

Tal and I exchange glances.



With every step the Admiral takes, more steam hisses off his body. Magma bubbles up around his fist, eventually covering his entire right arm. We sneak in the same direction, but out of his sight.

Another soldier was waiting at the end of the street, saluting. "Sir, the woman is in the hospital. We have surrounded the building and sent snipers to monitor the situation."

"No need for that," he says calmly. "Get the soldiers out of here."

"Right away!" He says before ordering their evacuation.

Within a minute, all Navy soldiers are gone from the area. Except for the admiral.

"Driscolgrov Akina," he calls. "You have five seconds to exit the building. Otherwise, I will demolish the entire thing with you in it."

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