6. Bitter Faith

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(POV: Juniper) - 12 years ago

"No, you're doing it all wrong!" Mama snaps. "You have to turn your hip like this, grip your sword like this, and rotate your shoulders like this!"

"The old man was right," I sob.

"It's only been three hours," she says. "Are you already tired?"

"The sword is so heavy, Mama!" I whine. "My arm hurts!"

"Then you need to do more strength training," she scorns. "Drop and do more push-ups right now."

"I think that's enough, Akina," the old man interjects as he steps outside. "Dinnertime."

Mama glances at me and sighs. "Alright, Juniper. Let's all go inside and eat."

I giggle on my way to the entrance. "Thank you, Mama!"

"I told you," the old man whispers as I pass him by.

I bite down on my lip, unwilling to admit defeat. "What do we have for dinner?"

"It's something Kal prepared," he responds, gesturing me to my seat at the dining table. "Bear steak, roasted potatoes, and seaweed."

"You let Kal prepare something?" I complain, despite the appetizing smell wafting from the fancy dish before me.

Kal sticks out his tongue. "You could never cook something as good as this."

"I'll cook your face on the hottest stove," I spit back.

"Children, children," the old man calls. "Just eat your dinner."

With a growling stomach and a drooling mouth, I dig in, savoring every tender and seasoned bite as if it were my last. Kal, I hate to admit, is a good cook.

Kal observes my glowing face and chuckles to himself.

Tal stuffs his cheeks. "This is delicious, Kal!"

The old man laughs. "He's had this recipe on his mind for months now."

"Father," he grumbles while his face heats up to a shade of pink.

"You should cook for us more often," Mama chimes in agreement. "The steak is cooked perfectly."

Then, as I expect, the old man picks up a newspaper from the table and starts discussing politics that I don't understand. "So, the Revolutionary Army seems to be on the rise."

"Led by Monkey D. Dragon if I'm not mistaken," Mama adds.

"They sound just like another pirate group," he says. "Outlaws wreaking havoc everywhere."

Mama frowns. "That's odd of you to say. I thought you of all people would understand the negative sentiments going towards the world government."

"And I of all people would also understand the consequences of going against the world government," he argues.

"There are equally devastating consequences for not going against the world government!" She protests. "Look at Juniper for god's sake! There are children like her being circulated through the world to be sold as objects because no one is doing anything to stop them! Isn't that why you bought her? So she could have a happy life?"

He remains silent.

She scoffs in disgust. "Oh right. That's not why you bought her."

Mama finishes her plate and storms out of the kitchen, leaving the rest of the family to stare at the table in uncomfortable silence.

Wine for Your Sake [Zoro x OC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz