I pay for my snacks and gas and head back out to my car.

I start my car and head out on my way to the grocery store. Realizing that it seems too quiet in the car, I start fiddling with the radio.

"Ugh, none of the radio stations are playing good music... It's all talk shows or annoying music." I reach for my phone only for it to drop in between the seats. I sigh and lean over the center console to see if I can simply feel for it while keeping my eyes on the road. My fingertips brush the very edge of my phone and I adjust in my seat to attempt to grab the device. Grunting, I adjust in my seat once more and take my eyes away from the road to grab the phone.

Too distracted by trying to get my cell phone back in hand, I don't notice the stoplight turn red.

"Gotcha!" I exclaim, finally getting a good grip on the cell and pulling it up into my hand.

Looking up, I finally notice that the light is red, albeit a split second too late.


The squeal of tires braking on asphalt.

Not soon enough.

Everything seems to be moving in slow motion.

The sound of crunching metal and my head whips to the side.

Then... nothing.

Slowly everything started coming back.

The first thing I noticed was the noise. There was so much of it. The second thing I noticed was... myself?

I could see my body... but not like I normally would. It was like I was...

"Oh shit."

I'm trying to put two and two together by using logic, but logic.. just.. doesn't seem... right at the moment.

"I got hit- or easier said 'T-boned' -by a speeding truck." I realized. "But then.. how can I see myself as if I'm looking through someone else's eyes..?" I thought.

"Oh my god I'm dead!" I said out loud finally figuring it out. "How am I gonna tell Bianca??"

*one week later*

"I can't believe she's gone!" Bianca cried into her pillow.

I'm just trying to get used to floating around and my newfound ability to pass right through things. Once I figured out how to do that with ease, I'll try to find a way to get into contact with my best friend and tell her that I am okay.

After several months of practicing how to be a proper ghost, I've mostly got the hang of it now. I'm sure there are still many things that I need to practice at and get better at, but I've go it all mostly perfected.

I had never really given much thought into how I'd die, but now that it's actually happened, there are so many options of what I could potentially do, that I don't actually know what I should do.

First things first, I should write a note to Bianca and tell her that I'm fine. But the energy that it'll take to actually write the note will need to be restored, so I will definitely need to rest for a while afterwards.

As I float (fly?) over to Bianca's house I begin to think of what adventures I should go on as I wait for my friend to join me in experiencing death (dark much?) and I start a mental checklist of things to do.

I finally get to my friend's house and I see an unfamiliar pickup truck in her driveway. Wondering who the pickup belonged to, I passed through the front door.

Deciding to first see who is in Bianca's house, I float to her bedroom and peek my head through the door. I see one of the guys from our class comforting her and I feel a twinge of jealousy.

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