The Ocean

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"I'm gonna tell you a bedtime story."

"Once upon a time, there was this girl; when she was little she really loved the ocean and all things in it."

"She loved the ocean so much that she went to the cliffside everyday to admire the view."

"One day she decided that she wanted to paint pictures of the ocean for other people to enjoy just as much as she did."

"She did this every single day for many years. She painted the sunset, and the sunrise and she painted from all angles. She painted from the cliffside, from the beach, and she even painted the shoreline from a boat."

"But one day, years later, this young woman- for she was not little anymore- this woman was on the very edge of the cliff to see if she could get another view to paint."

"This woman was so focused on getting a better angle that she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. She lost her footing and began to fall."

"She braced for death, because the cliffs edge was hundreds of feet in the air and surely no one can survive a fall like that." 

"But she did not die, as she had expected. She simply felt as if she was cradled by the arms of many. This woman claims to have heard a beautiful voice talking.

"'Oh no,' it had said to her. 'We cannot destroy something that has loved us so beautifully.'"

"Who was that woman?" my daughter asked.

"It was me," I responded, smiling faintly.


Word count: 249 words

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