Taehyung is Traumatized

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Tae pov-Hyungie took me inside the hospital while other hyungs and kookie followed us, hyung book a private room for me and took me in the room, it was getting hard for me to walk because of the pain in my foot and leg, so i thought of asking hyun...

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Tae pov-
Hyungie took me inside the hospital while other hyungs and kookie followed us, hyung book a private room for me and took me in the room, it was getting hard for me to walk because of the pain in my foot and leg, so i thought of asking hyung to pick me up, but before I could tell hyung i felt myself being picked up in the air, i was in someone's arms, i look at the person and he was jungkook
Tae- Kookie what are you doing?
Jk-Hyungie, you are having injury in your foot
Jk-. That's why i am picking you up cause you are having trouble while walking as you have injury in your foot
Jk-Hold me tight hyung
Tae-okay(held jk tightly)
They enter in the room, jk make tae lay down on the bed carefully, trying not to hurt him more. Jin write a prescription called a nurse and gave it to her while saying
Jin- Bring it quickly
Nurse- yes doctor
After sometime nurse came back with all the necessary things to treat tae and left after keeping them at the table while Jin took it and went to tae and start to pluck the silvers out.
Tae- Ahh, Hyungie it's hurting
Jin- bear it a little more baby
Jin again starts plucking the silvers out but it was very painful as they were in his skin deep inside and tae starts crying eventually because of the pain and back up not able to bear the pain anymore
Tae- Hyung no more pls it's hurting alot
Jin- bear look i know it hurts, but you have to bear it baby they are deep in skin that's why it's hurting otherwise it won't hurt much just some are left after that no more pain okay
Tae-no Hyungie pls(crying)
Jimin- slowly went near tae from behind and sit right behind him and as soon as tae took one more step back at the bed he bump into Jimin and Jimin quickly hold him in his embrace before he could back away
Tae- Hyung leave me
Jimin-no, i won't, and you stay still for sometime
Tae-Hyung no pls it hurts
Jimin- i know it does but Hyung is doing it for your own good
Tae- but it hurts
Jimin-enough, stop with your tantrums(Jin) hyung you treat him, he won't move
Jin-okay then
Tae-Hyung no, ahhhhhh (screamed when Jin pluck the silver out)
Hyungie no pls stop, chim pls leave me
Jin and Jimin ignored him and Jin continued to pluck the silver out making tae scream everytime and he started crying after sometime, all the members leave the room (except tae, Jin and Jimin) cause they can't see there baby brother crying.
-After sometime-
Jin was done treating tae and was checking his foot now while Jimin was comforting him saying sweet things in his ears trying to calm him down, Jin called a nurse to bring things for X-ray but she was wearing a black mask which make tae scared of her, he remembered about the kidnappers and thought she would hurt him too so he hugged Jimin tightly, not wanting to face that nurse. Jimin- got a hint of what's wrong with tae so he hugged Taehyung more tight saying sweet nothing's in his ears, after sometime nurse went out, tae asked Jimin
Jimin-yes baby
Tae-Hyung save me she will hurt me like them
Jimin-No baby, she won't
Tae-no Hyungie she will also hurt me like them
Jimin-baby there is no one except me and Jin hyung
Tae-(peeked in the room and see no one except Jin who was looking at him with a smile, he smiled back)
Jimin- you see right, she is not here, she left
Tae-but Hyung
Jimin-baby she came to help Jin hyung in treating you not hurting you okay
Tae-(sniffed) okay Hyungie
-After sometime-
Nurse came back with the essential Jin asked her to bring but she removed her mask knowing tae is getting scared of her just cause of black mask, so she removed it, and gave the essential to Jin and left immediately.
Jin-baby can you lay on your stomach for Hyungie
Tae- why
Jin-baby i have to take x-ray of your foot that's why nothing else
Tae-okay hyung
-Jimin and Jin helped tae to lay on his stomach while Jimin held his waist tightly and Jin starts to x-ray his foot but tae starts crying in between-
Jimin-baby why are you crying,? X-ray is painless right
Tae-yes hyung, but Hyungie is moving my foot to keep it in place and its hurting
Jin- it's done baby
Jimin-when will reports come hyung
Jin- till evening
-Jin starts preparing two injections, but tae saw it and starts to get up but jimin's grip on his waist isn't letting him-
Tae-Hyung leave me
Jimin-baby wait for sometime
Tae-no i don't shots, they hurts
Jimin- it won't hurt Bubba, just a pinch and it will be over
Tae-you always say that but it hurts in the end, leave me hyung
Jimin-(didn't say anything but didn't let tae sit too)
-Jin came near with the injections and pulled tae pants down and rubbed alcohol on his right side,tae was moving continuously to not get injections, so Jin spoke-
Jin- Taehyung stop moving
Tae-Hyungie no want injections
Jin-baby it won't
Tae-i know it would
Jin-Taehyung stop moving or i have to call someone to hold you, you want that
Tae- no Hyungie
Jin- just stay still, it will be just a pinch and all done okay
Tae-okay hyungie(sniffed)
Jin again rubbed alcohol on his right side and this time injected

ae- aaaa ahhhhh ahhh Hyung
Jin- bear it a little more baby(pushed the plunger)
Tae-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hyung, it's hurting ahhh stop pls ahh no more ahh pls(crying hard)
Jin- done bear done almost done okay, just a little more
Tae- AHHHHHHHH pls Hyungie i can't pls it hurts
Jin-shh bear it's done
Tae relaxed for a bit but then he felt his pants being pull down from left side
Tae-Hyung no more pls, last one hurt alot(still crying hard)
Jin- it's okay bear, it's last one
Tae-no Hyungie pls
Jin- Jimin hold him tight(said while picking injection)
Jimin-(held tae more tight)
Tae-no Hyungie
(Tae cried his heart out)
Jin-shhh it's okay just a little more hmm
Jin- you are doing good baby, just few sec more
Tae- ahhhhhhhhh pls
(Both injections were very heavy dose, that's why it was hurting like hell and 2nd injection was vitamin b12 busted dose that's why it was hurting that much and taking more time)
Jin- it's done bear, it's done(pulled the needle out and start rubbing the injected area

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