Tae getting treated part-2

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Jk-(held tae legs tight)
Tae-jk what are you doi-ahhhhh(Jin injected) , Hyung ahhhh it hurts
Jin-almost done, done and done(pulled needle out and injected another at same place)
Tae- Hyung ahhhhh, it hurts pls stop (crying)
Jin-done bear, almost done and done(pulled the needle out and rubbed another side)
Tae- i don't want more pls it hurts alot, (crying)
Jin-Just last one bear(injected last one)
Tae-Hyung ahhhhhhhhh, pls take it out, it's hurting alot i can't bear pls(crying hard).
Jk-Hyung pls don't cry, it's almost done.
Jimin-yes tae, just a little more hm.
Tae-(didn't said anything, just crying hard)
Jin- done bear done(took the needle out, start rubbing the injected area)
Tae- ahh, hyung slow it hurts.
Jin-yes, yes bear, (Jimin and jk)
leave him.
Jimin and jk-(left tae)
Jin-(hugged tae tight as he was still crying), bear don't cry it's over
Tae- but it's still hurting alot(hugged back)
Jin- it's okay, it will go soon, hmm, don't cry(wiped tae tears)
Tae-okay hyung(control himself to not cry)
Jin-Bear sleep for sometime, pain will go when you wake up.
Tae-okay hyung(laid down closing his eyes and slept in few minutes being tired)
Jimin-what happen hyung, you are looking stressed.
Jin- hmm, i am worried for tae
Jk- Hyungie, don't worry tae Hyungie will be fine.
Jin-baby, it's not about wound, he cried this much today because of shots, what will happen tomorrow then.
Jimin- Tomorrow??
Jin-He have to take these shots for 3 days.
Jimin-oh no !! Hyung how will you convince him then i mean i don't think he will take cause he was crying this much today only.
Jin- let's see this tomorrow only.
Jk and jimin- (nodded there heads)
These days were really bad for tae,as he have to take 3 shots daily and he will cry cause it will be painful. Even if he don't agree to take shots, then his hyungs maybe convince him or will force him to take it, sometime they will tell him to take shots or he will get a tight slap. Well, let's see what will happen today, cause it's the last day of shots.

Jin came in tae room with prepare shots and saw him sitting on the bed being scared, tae felt some presence in the room, he look up and see Jin standing there with Jimin

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Jin came in tae room with prepare shots and saw him sitting on the bed being scared, tae felt some presence in the room, he look up and see Jin standing there with Jimin.
Jin-tae lay down and turn yourself
Tae-Hyung pls it hurts alot, i don't want pls.
Jimin- Bear pls take it
Jin- yes tae, today is the last day, you won't have to take any tomorrow onwards.
Tae- but Hyung it hurts alot my back is still hurting because of yesterday doses.
Jin-Bear pls(cut off)
Tae- hyung pls can't i skip it today
Jin- No bear, it's really important, you can't skip, pls take it
Tae-O-okay h-hyung(laid down and turn himself)
Jin-(went near tae and pulled his pants and rubbed alcohol)
Jimin-(held tae tight, so he can't move)
Tae-(closed his eyes softly)
Jin(injected the first one)
Tae-ahhhhhhhhh, hyung
Jin-done bear(inject another)
Tae-hyung pls take it out, i can't bear. It's hurting alot(crying)
Jin-almost done bear and done(injected last one on another place)
Tae-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, h-hyung (crying hard)
Jin- just a second, you are doing very good
Tae- ahhhh, pls remove it(chocking on tears)
Jin- done bear done (pulled the needle out and started rubbing)
Tae-hyung, don't rub, its hurting more(crying)
Jin-if i won't rub now then it will swell later(continued rubbing for sometime).
Jimin-(left tae), bear don't cry it's done
Tae-it's still hurting chim
Jimin(hugged tae and started rubbing his back to calm him down)
Tae-(controlled himself to not cry, hiccups cause of continuous crying). Chim wanna sleep
Jimin-yes bear, sleep for sometime. Pain will go don't worry.(still rubbing his back, started patting tae head inorder to make him sleep)
Jin- i will go and check on bunny, he didn't eat his breakfast earlier.(peck tae forehead)sleep for sometime Bear
Tae- hmm(still hugging Jimin)
Jimin nodded and Jin left.
Jimin heard little snores, he look down and saw tae sleeping peacefully like a baby. He smiled and make tae lag comfortably in bed and give a duvet on him and left the room without making any noise, so that tae doesn't get disturb.
Meanwhile with Jin
Jin pov-
I am here standing outside kookie room, i am worried for him cause he didn't ate his breakfast and behaving weird from 2 days.
Jin knocked on the door
No one responded
Jin knocked again
Still no response
Jin- Kookie, if you are there then pls respond(no answer) okay then i am coming inside.
Jk room:-

-Jin went inside the room but got shocked to see jk- -TO BE CONTINUED-

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-Jin went inside the room but got shocked to see jk-

Guys, requests are open if you want to give cause your author is a bit bad in thinking, you guys can give requests for oneshots or twoshots or even series, and yeah do tell me what happen when Jin went inside jk room, what do you guys think could have happen?? Comment below!!

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