Chapter Five-Luca

Start from the beginning

I go back and refill my coffee, take few sips and think about it.

"Not yet," I finally say. "If you want to marry her, I will make it happen, but not yet. I want to see what Luciano will ask for first." I take another sip of my coffee. "I don't want the bastard to be too happy marrying his city into two Vitelli's at once."

Matteo nods and says, "Understood. Anything else you need, Luca? "

"No. See you tonight at seven."

"I will head out. I have some business to take care of." He gets up and leaves. Marco and I look at each other, both of us wondering how Matteo turned out like this. "He wants to get married. What is wrong with him?" Marco stares after Matteo.

I smile and say nothing. Marco and Matteo are nothing alike.


Luciano insists we meet him before dinner at his place for a drink before heading out to the Profaci's house.

"So you have made a choice?" He asks as he passes the drinks around.

I nod. "Yes, I have," I say and sip my drink.

I will not tell him more than needed. He will find out soon enough, or he will have to ask directly.

"Maria is dear to our hearts, and I have to say that her father and I would wish you to take care of her," he says while grinning triumphantly at me. He likes this feeling of having the upper hand.

"I am glad she is dear to your hearts, " I reply back, "so she will stay close to your hearts."

He looks taken aback; he is not sure what this means. I find it enlightening, these moments, when someone is taken by surprise. You can tell a lot about the person through their reaction; you get a glimpse of the real person behind the mask. He does not like losing control and what I just said makes him feel not in control. Interesting, I need to keep that in mind.

"What are we meeting Lorenzo for then?" he asks with a slight hint of annoyance, another interesting fact to file. He does not like me at all.

"Well, the arrangement for my wife... I am taking Elena," I say and wait for his response.

He is more unsettled than before. "She is promised to ... " He seems to blank for a bit, then adds, "Gabriel Cappola."

Marco tenses beside me, and Matteo looks pensive and suddenly worried. I am not falling for Luciano's bait.

"That is unfortunate... for Gabriel. Un-promise it then. "I look him straight in the eyes while putting my drink down.

"For the right incentive, I am sure we can find a way," he says.

And here it is. Luciano wants something. I take a moment to think about how to respond to this. "Give me a second. I've got to make a phone call," I say and step out of the room. I motion to the guards to make sure no one disturbs me or, more like, eavesdrops on my call.

I dial Giovanni. "Gabriel Gambino, I need him to call me pronto," I say and hang up. I wait for few minutes then the phone rings.

"Luca, to what do I owe this honor?" Gabriel starts. He is like an uncle to me. He is married to Bria, my aunt. He has always been an honorable man, and I admire him. If I have a favorite underboss after my brothers, Gabriel would be it.

"Gabriel Cappola."


"Is Elena Profaci promised to him?" I ask

"No, she is not, as far as I know. And I can make it be so," he adds on.

I am pleased with his thinking and say, "Make it so."

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